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Everything posted by lukey372

  1. Yeah but I'm assuming most of the proxies you Use/Buy are reused/recycled proxies.
  2. Probably crappy proxies tbh
  3. You're not using mirror mode MLM is a hotspot for bans. What do you expect? I've been at NMZ botting for the last 18 hours and no ban. It's $5 and don't bot on an account you're not willing to lose :L Or bot on a different proxy to that the acc was created on when the acc gets banned just claim it was hacked. Works 70-80% of the time.
  4. Would recommend these guys. Have purchased numerous quests/Fcapes/Skilling services from them.
  5. Pretty sure you can only run 2 max concurrently on non-VIP. But you can use unlimited accounts with this script.
  6. May as well just pawn it off on Sythe and cop the ban. I can see the account being recovered pretty quickly. If you "very trusted" 800M-1B with 99 slayer.
  7. Why are you bumping a 4 year old thread with a dead download link asking if it still works?
  8. You could add the possbility of cannon support to this task if it's in the slayer cave. I'm all about the slayer EXP over profit in the early levels
  9. "we can use MM if low feedback" But you have a TWC
  10. Not sure why you'd want to bot barrows on an account with stats like those unlocked.
  11. Yeah would recommend blocking steel drags tho.
  12. lukey372

    Stealth NMZ

    If it's your main don't bot on it or don't bot on accounts you aren't willing to lose.
  13. So why would you come in here then an accuse him of hacking your account? You literally said in your first post that you were using his script and now your account is hacked. Change ya passwords and do a sweep of your PC to see if you have any keyloggers.
  14. Do you guys plan on supporting abby spectres in the slayer dungeon anytime soon?
  15. Does the logger say anything? and have you tried rebooting ya PC?
  16. Yeah MMF is only really useful to suicide bot tbh. Too many people botting it these days.
  17. Yeah you can. They are created automatically when you use the email as an alias.
  18. 33mail I use them and redirects to my personal email through the 33mail email servers
  19. 40M ^ You need 100 posts to sell accounts btw.
  20. No quests? Like 15M maybe.
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