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  1. This is my f2p account which I started about 1,5 weeks ago as a test with this script. EDIT: I'm using the free one I'm more than impressed with the script. E: two hours after posting this I got banned, coincidence?
  2. What happened to my rock crab script that I purchased from you some years ago?

    1. Czar


      Hello it should still be in the client browser, open the OSBot client and load up the list of scripts, it will appear ^^ :D 

      If not, let me know so we can sort this out ASAP.

    2. autonaam


      Yeah, it's still there! Thanks 

    3. Czar


      Happy to help, good luck friend :D

  3. I've botted multiple 40 70+ 1's on f2p with pure injection in relatively small times and free scripts. The ban happens when I get greedy and try to push them to 80+ str in the same spawn of time as 70 str.
  4. Yo! I got the rock crabs one, can I get a trial for this one?
  5. With walker 1 used (at least, i havent tested on others) when the script detects enough players to issue a server switch, it runs south to the town, opens up world switch, hovers around a bit and then tries to world hop. Problem is, that if I've been in combat for the last 10 seconds, it wont switch. It runs back to crabs and repeats itself if I get aggroed again.
  6. About to achieve top500 for myself now. Still taking boost requests, people above have not contacted any further.
  7. Well, simply put - by being a lot better than the enemy and having such a dramatic solo performance that effects the outcome of the game. 2200-3200? Having looked around the prices on sythe for the biggest (and cheapest) boosters it goes somewhere in between 124 dollars to even up to hundreds of dollars. So I'm willing to do it for let's say, first timers sake, 70m OSRS or equivalent amount in Paypal, your choice, of course. The task should be expected to be done in a few days. Ask away if you have any further questions. Hey, how about 16m OSRS / equivalent in Paypal or bank transaction seeing as we're both finnish? En mä nyt ihan pro-tason hullu ole kun en jaksa niin paljoa aikaa panostaa, mutta sanoisin että keskivertoa parempi.
  8. Hey! Im still willing to do these boosts. Freebie time is over, but im sure we can find the right price for your boost. Have you completed placements yet?
  9. Up! Willing to do a freebie or two to get some feedback. E: Apparently i'm not allowed to do freebies for feedback - So 1m for the first two in line. I wont do a mega boost from bronze to all the way to masters - please be reasonable. E: Apparently I am allowed to do freebies.
  10. I really liked the script, did it's job very well. Walker 2 didin't work for me, it got stuck behind edgeville bank for some reason. But Walker 1 worked perfectly. Now I'm just going to wait if any of my two accounts get banned and ill decide on the buying. (hint hint, could use another 24h trial)
  11. Could use a trial to compare vs the other stronghold script somebody sells here.
  12. Hey guys! I'm currently sitting in Grandmaster myself, and I figured Id like to offer some boost services from any rank up to masters. Prices have not been set in to stone yet, you may PM me or DM me in our discord for a price we can work out. The games will be legit played by myself, no cheating involved or anything. There is a possibility of me streaming the games for you. For now I cannot do duo q because I only have one account available right now. Maybe in the future. I'm accepting paypal/OSRS currently only. For trustworthy members i'll perform the boost before the payment. EDIT: Also accepting OSRS07 gp. First boost completed for @uta progress below:
  13. OK, so the script works well, I havent really seen it screw up at Ankous a single time, but.. Why does the bot run all the way from ankous back to edgeville even on full inventory of lobs just to break? Couldn't it just break next to the ankous so it wouldnt have to waste time? And if it really has to walk all the way to the bank couldnt you just make it deposit the loot + freshen up on the lobsters?
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