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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Eliot

  1. Leveled a bunch of stats for me, very reasonably priced and responsive. Thanks!
  2. negative whatever membership + my time is worth.
  3. Eliot


    Caffeine. I recommend.
  4. I tried an Apple Watch and could not find any practical use for it. :\
  5. Eliot


    Cya in a few hours.
  6. Rainbow name always looked bad make rainbow name great again!
  7. Eliot

    Various Stats

    Msg me on Skype. eliot.script
  8. I'm surprised how that works legally, must have some language in the contract or something.
  9. Eliot

    Various Stats

    Need the following by hand: 70 attack (currently 60, already has MM done). 70 strength (currently 56) 70 defense (currently 50) 70 range (currently 60) Post prices in the thread.
  10. Coolio, I'm not sure if it's been noted anywhere but I'm curious about the difference in CPU usage when using no render mode.
  11. Eliot


    Still very possible to make great profits. Best to use scripts that are not super popular and decide if you want to suicide bot or make accounts last, then pick how much you bot accordingly.
  12. There is no such thing as safely botting. If you bot assume you will get banned, never bot on an account you don't mind losing. Botting for short periods of time, using high quality (private or lightly used) scripts, and mixing up the activities on your account are the best ways to reduce your risk of ban, but the risk is always there.
  13. Eliot

    R8 My Setup

    Solid build. If you don't play any games that require a better GPU and assuming you do stuff at 1080p very nice. Personally I use a gtx 1070 and a 144hz 1440p monitor and it is amazing. 8/10
  14. DDR3 1600Mhz RAM is worth about $30-45 per 16gb (I've resold over 600gb of it). Reselling motherboards is usually hit or miss. Overall I'd say $200-300. Also +1 for GTX 1070's they are just about the perfect card for most stuff.
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