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Everything posted by propker009

  1. I did got banned too on my main when i used this script, but i highly doubt it's the script that gets you banned... using stealth mode is just a BIG RIP and a ban guarenteed. However they stated my ban was false, so they can surely see what client you are on, be aware of this guys before using it... DO NOT USE STEALTH MODE ON UR ACCOUNT.
  2. Can i pay in OSRS GP too? And if so how much whould it be?:)
  3. I whould like to buy an private script of you, can you pm me? I somehow cant find an way to pm you lol.

  4. Any support for vorkath soon?
  5. Oh sorry ye, what i meant was like: When the bot start with the currencies it try's for example to put the warrior tokens up and he succeeds, then he takes the tokkuls and try to place it somewhere above but glitches out and repeats the same process over and over again.. So it goes down looking for the tokkul, take it, move it to the top, fail to replace the item and repeats the process. i dropped them so i don't have an log file. As i aware off i haven't seen an error.
  6. Just bought it and stuff gets glitched out with currencies....
  7. propker009

    Fruity NMZ

    Hello sir, could i request a trial from you? If possible, what is the status of the script atm regarding ban rates? As it is very much afking kinda i whould assume that the ban rates are kinda low right? Since jagex don't only see which client you uses but the mouse movements as wel The script is a life-time script too so i am not sure, but if i ever want to immigrate to another botting client could i use it there too then or a lost case? Kind regards
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