Cookie Monstaaa
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Everything posted by Cookie Monstaaa
Depends on who buys it but $14 - $30
Depends mate non quested $60 - $80 Full quested Ect $100+
id say about $8 for the 60 range And $13 ffor the 70 range man
Very nice account id say $150 - $230 its a good account for some say farming a certain monster :P
Mate i can solve this very easy!: www.Java.com Update It Go to this site and install JDK - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html Then right click the .jar file of osbot and select open with Java ====================================================== If this fails to help open the bot then do this: Open up Note Pad and paste this code into - Save it as all files and title it > osbot.bat Save it next to the same place your osbot.jar is > Hit run on osbot.bat and your sorted gl!.
Id pm a moderator or the admin of the site my friend!, it depends on what you used to pay for your subscription i paid by paypal for example and it was instant!. It will auto update in a few hours id expect!. Gl
It depends on the amount of gold/items you are trying to trade over!, id make a "Mule" account which is a low level account with some stats something that acts as a middle man between your botted account and your main buddy. If its huge amounts of gold how ever id do increments over time! ^.-.
A good place to get on is on these very forums under the buying and selling section mate!, GOOD LUCK!
Nice man very good luck with your goals mate, i hope you make it ^.^. Keep us updated
R.I.P Shudsy main you were a beast! <3<3<3..... how long did it take?
Well if youve recently been banned then any account you make after in theory would be under scrutiny!. Clay mining does have a high ban rate due the the unflux of gold farm bots in f2p worlds mate! gl
haha nice one man way to work the system *hi5* get back my account mr m maul? :L
i cant find the latest mirrorclient.jar versions
Cookie Monstaaa replied to Rushomi's topic in Archive
Its apart of the client download mate, log in with your forum name and password > click mirror client > Open Rs client > DONE! -
@Czar its all sorted banking and web walking is fine now since they patched the client!, thank you very much you are a great scripter
Hi! It totally depends on what your botting as a skill and what your aims and time frames are?. VIP is worth it for the mirror client mode as it seems to work very well for every one on the community!. Now as for VPS's they are worth it if you are a gold farmer or training up multiple accounts, but they can be pricey!. You could consider using proxies as a way of not getting IP FLAGGED by JAGEX. Good Luck DUDE!!!!
Hi welcome/goodbye to the community?, Its unfortunate to hear you have been banned on your pure account!. But if you did such stats in 3 days you have to remember could you humanly do that?, that's step one to remember!. Step 2 there is no safe limits exactly on botting times it all boils down to pot luck!, i have heard players have legit trained accounts to certain levels Eg. str/att/def 50 and then managed to bot to 90+ no bans and then i have heard of other players doing the same and banned. If i was you i would set break times on the account bot no more than what you could play a day, i know i couldn't and have never done more than 8 hours! :L. List Of Good Ideas! BUY VIP FOR MIRROR MODE BOT SENSIBLE HOURS NO MORE THAN 10 SUGGESTED USE THE BREAK HANDLER ITS YOUR FRIEND! DO SOME QUESTS IF YOU ARE BY YOUR COMPUTER HOP WORLDS AND CHAT! BOT SIT IF YOUR PARANOID ABOUT A BAN? THIS IS JUST SOME THE THINGS I WOULD DO! GOOD LUCK! COOKIE MONSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Heres to hoping this solves every one's issues!....
@cookie monstaa pathfinding update coming up, apologies for that, the update should be here within an hour or so edit: I can't seem to make the bug happen, it is walking to bank perfectly fine seems that mirror mode is the fault here ============================================== @czar yes i see what you mean?... it could very well be the mirror mode client?, it still is in beta testing is it not?. Is stealth mode injected riskier would you say?
so ive been bot sitting the bot because it simply cant be trusted to do its job when banking, the script is flawless in the spiders and walking from the bank!. but every damn time it walks from the stronghold to edgevile bank it gets stuck here!!!! :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@
nice well done thanks dev!, hopefully this will solve my issue with web walking from stronghold to the bank !. Thank you very much!
Hi czar i love your scripts btw they are brilliant!... but recently ive been having a issue with this one!. The bot can run some days fine! and then today the bot will walk from stronghold to edge bank and then it gets lost/stuck by the edgevile yews and sits there?. Im using mirror mode btw? UPDATE!: The script is bugging out every run from the stronghold to the bank at edgevile and logs out but never in. this is going to create a high ban rate UPDATE AGAIN 19:17PM
Man its probably very high id say?... but then who knows tbh?... if you find out let me know?
10,000$ from Corporeal Beast Farm (Update Thread)
Cookie Monstaaa replied to Chuckle's topic in Runescape
Good luck man seems like a good idea if this works!, did you ever hear about that guy who abused the glitch and made bank? :L -
Hey dude!, You will need the following!: *$10 *Old School Runescape Client (By JaGEX) *4gb Ram + *Decent Processor *Log In With Forum Name > Click Mirror Mode > Open Runescape Client > Boom Your done! Peace