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Cookie Monstaaa

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Everything posted by Cookie Monstaaa

  1. hi khal!

    i pm'd you for a trial of your runecrafter please? :D

    the forums wont let me post as it is glitching :D

    ily <3


    1. mule1000


      I can't figure out how to post in the forums either :feels:

    2. mule1000


      Oh, I figured out how to post, I just can't on any of khaleesi's

  2. So welcome to my discussion thread about bots for iron men! Now as most of us know the iron man mode is a tough mode to "legit" play and takes 1000's of hours to achieve what a regular runescape player can do in just 100's of hours!. Now there wouldn't really be a "mass market" for such scripts on the botting side of things. But my main question would be, is it possible to create such scripts?. An example of this would be; Say your botting minitours which is in a multi attack zone, meaning if another player hits your target the loot is no longer yours. But would it be possible to create a script of such complexions to be able to distinguish between your loot and another players?. another example of this would be; when the chat box shows this isn't your loot, you are a iron man. just a discussion feel free to chip in?
  3. Cookie Monstaa's Fresh Acc Shop! Welcome as my title states! I am selling fresh level 3 accs off tut island Hand done! UNREGISTERED EMAILS! Hundreds in stock! RSGP PAYMENT ONLY! 300K PER ACC! UNLIMITED SUPPLY! PM Me or post here!
  4. hi im after a pc on my acc 99 range 40att/str/def 60 prayer 60qp 99 agility ideas?
  5. nice gl man! Im already 95/99 range on mine 70/70 prayer 60/70 defence its a sick buil!
  6. love the script could you add a setting for stamina pots for the begning levels from 1 - 50?
  7. not to be sounding silly. But here it goes... my bot has the option break after x mins & break for x Mins woth the option stop script on log out? this doesnt take breaks and then log out after 8 hours?
  8. So @Czar has added a quirky little help on the scripts as of late, its a condition which you can enter when the bot stops the script. Now ive only used czar's scripts maybe other do this also?. But i think it would be a nice addition to osbot if it also had this option for us to select on the bot client?. so after 8 hours stop the bot and log out Great for night time botting turn on at 6pm turn off at 2am when you are in bed safe 8 hours?
  9. @czar can you add a stop condition like on your stronghold script?. So the condition would be "after 8 hours stop script & log out"
  10. i own alot of osbot scripts, and many of yours @@Czar. but this miner laggs like a beast when ever it is run. even when paint mode is hidden?. Also can you add a stop condition such as your aio stronghold script please?
  11. death walk option works so so also. some times it will die and re equip my items. then other times it will walk back but only box the npcs and put no items on
  12. i tried the random item option but it simply just bank loops despositing and taking out its odd? :L
  13. iron man support would be beast @@Czar!!!
  14. @@Czar... im a iron man and i love this script so much!. But!.... i cant start the script unless i have food?. is there a way to use this script with out the use of food??. im f2p soo....
  15. also is there a way to start the script with out any food or items bening banked?. i haved tried all ways to get it to just fight with out food but no such luck?. im an iron man so food is not a option atm
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