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  1. I haven't been on these forums in ages, but I got a few infraction emails and someones been on my account and trading since september. They even got a sig made.... It appears they sold an account aswell which I'm concerned if it gets recovered I'll be held accountable for.
  2. botting high alch is pretty good at the ge on weekends and 1-55 range with cannon only takes a few hours and is cheap
  3. http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Iron_platebody
  4. platebody is one word cbainbody is one word platelegs is one word kitesheilds is one word gratz on triggering tf outta me
  5. void sets = 20-30m if u pay for service gear= 28M, and ahrims is proved better for magic damage
  6. if you plan to just suicide bot p2p weekends i think blast furance is 1m+ an hour for steel bar and low req
  7. pretty sure @Fruity has a guide on his zulrah killer thread
  8. Long vs skt1 for the championship long will win 3-2
  9. wouldn't it be easier to bypass the 14 runecraft on slaves and just have the master collect outside the alter
  10. nice work! if i had a private zulrah script i would be grinding 10 accs out in a week also xd
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