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Trade With Caution
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About Viston

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  1. Rxd

    ********a wtf


  2. Don't use IDs for widgets. But unfortunately, can't help you with that, can't afford a bond too.
  3. I have a private ourian altar script that I've done for myself. Might release it too after this, not too sure. However, it won't be included in this script.
  4. Will be spending my 1 week holiday on finishing up the vEssenceRunner script, since I've been delaying it for quite a bit. Need some help though. I'm not familiar with all routes to different altars. So, I would like YOU to share with me some of the routes to certain altars. So far, I've done these routes: P2P - Fire Altar - Using Duel Rings. F2P - Fire Altar - Using Al-Kharid Bank. F2P - Earth Altar - Using Varrock East Bank. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Things to take into consideration: Most people will be using low level accounts as runners. This means some routes that needs high requirements will NOT be added now, but maybe later. Abyss is questionable. Might be added after official release, if HIGH demand. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please use this format in your post. Format: Altar: Route: Requirements: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ E.g. Altar: Fire Altar Route: Ring of Duelling - Starting at Castle Wars, Teleport to Duel Arena, Then teleport back to Castle Wars Requirements: None. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. From experience, I noticed the scripts that I've written which involves a lot of randomisation, such as random routes, different banking behaviour etc. Made a huge difference on how long an account lasts for me. But hey, that's just me Yet again, some of the scripts that use X paths to get to X routes, with same step after step tends to be quickly recognisable, and most likely banned after a day or two.
  6. Viston


    .setVisible(); @Athylus on your onStart() On your onStart do: GUI.setVisible(); while (!GUI_COMPLETE) { sleep(300); } GUI.setVisible(false); On the gui button, once it's clicked, change the gui complete boolean to true, and it'll break out of the loop, then hide the gui.
  7. Smh, just realised it's firefox. Who the fuck uses firefox in 2k18
  8. PM Alek. That's what he said in another thread. Tell him you can't use the client.
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