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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Shudsy

  1. I don't see how in the world this can ever happen.. Anyway i pushed a fix so it should be literally impossible for it to happen now. Should be up within 24 hours.
  2. You can use it on as many accounts as you want. If you want more tabs open on your client, you have to be VIP.
  3. No. This will eventually lead to energy being fucked on later runs.
  4. using stamina potions?
  5. Open it a few times urself until the sign shows up with the option "Don't show this again"
  6. Just fixed the food thing. Doesn't matter where your mouse is as jagex doesn't track your mouse movements. it could be anywhere on the screen.
  7. Go there manually and select the option that says "Do now show this anymore". There is no way for the script to handle the wilderness warning.
  8. To be fair i have no clue. I have yet to hear any complaints about bans using this script tho. Atm paranoid doesn't do anything. it used to be a feature that i may add again at a later date. the script can't do anything about the wilderness warning so that has to be toggled off manually.
  9. I gave you a trial within a hour of you posting on the thread. I'll auth you one more time, but be sure to actually try it this time.
  10. It should use the glory in the inventory.. Hmm thats weird. I'll look into these bugs. You are using the Glory option instead of the House tab option when it didnt teleport right? EDIT: Pushed a fix for these.
  11. It does. The profit/h is the cosmic rune cost taken into account.
  12. Paranoid mode does nothing atm, might add it back later. I'll consider adding the ability to hide paint.
  13. Haha yeah. I think the info that is stored about you in the database is wrong tho. According to your sig you have been running it for 93 years.
  14. Some of the code suggested here is way over the top lol. Could be done so much more simple like Explv's suggestion
  15. This script has been rewritten and additional features such as House tabs has been added. It should work a lot better than it used to and im 100% confident in saying this is the best Orber on OSBot. As always, if you guys manage to find any bugs or got suggestions then please PM me.
  16. If i want to train ranged using a Seercull, won't the isUsingrRanged return false
  17. Looking for an account with atleast 66 magic and 40+ combat. Paying with paypal. Post offers below Also looking for an account with Glory on wall + 66 mage.
  18. This script is no longer in development and is a cancelled "project". I'm sorry. This hasn't been on the SDN for the last months. This script was removed due to being "broken". If Maldesto decides to put the script back up as it's clearly working, i'll fix this issue.
  19. range exp gained: 1k when i start my script and instantly attack it says 300k/h!
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