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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by k9thebeast

  1. From what I see some of the hooks need updating.
  2. flick style +3 attack lash style +1 attack +1 def deflect style +3 def flick style / deflect - use when you are 96 str lash - when you are 97+ str you're welcome. Dont stake if you dont have 99hp Video assumes max maining -> this is for odds staking
  3. NPC storeGuy = script.getNpcs().closest("Store"); if(storeGuy != null){ script.log("Trading store guy"); InteractionEvent e = new InteractionEvent(storeGuy, "Trade"); e.setMaximumAttempts(2); e.execute(); //line 67 https://gyazo.com/8ec12a4cb9a91d57d032238ad0df094f Seems to happen every time I do event.execute (not alone to this type of event)
  4. You dont even mention HP levels. You shouldn't be staking. It isnt a casino if you dont know how to play the game
  5. Wouldn't really call filling your own enum up with all the possible banks cleaner, but your pick lol. Combine the two if you like, his does have some nice components. @LoudPacks
  6. public Area getNearBank(){ Field bank = null; int minDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for(Field f : Banks.class.getDeclaredFields()){ try { int distance = getMap().distance(((Area) f.get(f.getName())).getRandomPosition()); if(distance < minDist && distance != -1){ minDist = distance; bank = f; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if(bank != null) try { return (Area) bank.get(bank.getName()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { return null; } else return null; } Can someone plz update this with streams. Thanks @Alek plz turn Banks into actual enums so I dont have to do this gunk
  7. Shit guide. Reported for selling weed. I have premium antiban methods that literally hack jagex
  8. No it would be horific. You need 99 hp and 96str
  9. Not 100% sure, havent really editted my tut script in a while. Try sending a space. getKeyboard().typeString(" ");
  10. You on tutorial island? Tutorial island is a bit different since I believe you are always in dialogue
  11. 50m if u cant do this http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Client_of_Kourend/Quick_guide
  12. @Explv No guarantee this works as I havent used it in a while, but found something in one of my older scripts. sleepUntil(20, () -> !client.getLoginStage().equals(null));
  13. The client hasn't loaded before trying to log in. Simplest way to do this would be to add a 15 second sleep before trying to log in. There are better ways ofcourse..
  14. Change the -bot user:pass differently and you can
  15. Title, basically a way to do it within the scope of osbot permissions
  16. Obvious clone of https://www.sythe.org/threads/report-treegp-liars/ Not only does this retard not understand english, but he cant even copy a damn scam report correctly. I'd say give him a TWC but can we just ban him? Nothing lost but a retard. @Mio @Dex
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