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Everything posted by iPotuDropz

  1. Yeah I have a Skype, but I'm unable to use it at the moment as I am at work. We will have to diagnose the issue later if that is fine. What time is it for you?
  2. IT didnt fix it for me. Still standing there doing nothing.
  3. Yes, is this not mirror mode compatable?
  4. ava.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class client.HXND does not implement the requested interface org.osbot.rs07.accessor.XNodeDeque at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.NodeDequeIteratorG.<init>(aj:154) at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character.IiiIiiiIiiiI(gp:80) at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character.getCombatTime(gp:90) at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character.isUnderAttack(gp:44) at lemons.api.script.a.aux.g(wl:64) at a.b.j.AuX.G(id:45) at a.b.j.AuX.B(id:87) at lemons.api.c.a.coN.B(tl:70) at lemons.api.c.a.aUx.B(xd:141) at lemons.api.c.a.aUx.B(xd:141) at lemons.api.c.a.aUx.B(xd:141) at lemons.api.script.TaskScript.onLoop(zd:437) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kn:194) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  5. I tried starting it up at Red Chins but it won't begin botting?
  6. Hit me up with that trial pls
  7. Whoops! Thanks anyways I didn't have Java installed somehow.
  8. Hey all, after unpacking the .jar file, I can't find any sort of .exe file to start botting. Can anyone help?
  9. Let me know if it works well, I'll follow suit.
  10. Pest Control is such a chore, but thankfully, this makes it go by as if you didn't even do it ;)
  11. I see what you did there with the thread name haha!
  12. Even the NPC in Temple Trekking? PogChamp
  13. Script makes life so much easier
  14. This bot is insane! Recommend for whoever buys it
  15. Do you even plank bro? Jk, love this script
  16. Is a splash bot really necessary lol? It's not bannable in the first place but w/e.
  17. iPotuDropz


    I mean your IP could've been flagged, if so you were fucked the moment you turned the bot on lol.
  18. Very reliable bot, used it for lots of gains.
  19. Damn looks like an amazing script!
  20. Do you have blackjacking support for this script? If so, what all does your blackjacking script do and could I get a trial?
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