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Everything posted by darb0t

  1. darb0t


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOING TO GO FOR 7 DAYS CYBER GHOST FREE TRIAL SUICIDE BOT PROGGY BRO!!!!!!! @Tom GL ACC! ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO COMPLETE IT!!!!!!!!!!! ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. found this on accident i dont see any reason not to share it idk . . but when i start the bot on 1 monitor , and drag it to another monitor , i can do mouse input , while the disable input is still active . just thought i'd share idk .
  3. darb0t

    Fruity NMZ

    @Fruity my friend wants to get this script , i told him about it ... but he is wondering it it will work on the mac book pro?
  4. Hello @fr0sted thank you! @kazemaru i Appreciate that & thanks! @Runnwith
  5. Hi been using this site sporadically since 2013 . .want to finally introduce myself & formally say hello to the forums . Hi o/ . thanks for this website & all the scripts i appreciate all everyone does.
  6. i see this as fair & just. i mean if you are new to buying scripts and are new here and lack confidence .. just ask a staff & they will refer you to someone .
  7. this sucks luckily i havent experienced this
  8. darb0t

    Stealth Quester

    damn thx for the warming. fuck that .
  9. darb0t

    Stealth Quester

    would you be interested in making me a script that does 3 specific quests that are not listed?
  10. darb0t

    Stealth Quester

    @Token do i have to have skill requirements , i read your post & didnt see anything about it mentioned , although i could have missed it... it is late for me at the moment & i am a bit tired . anyways , can you confirm if i need 2 have quest skill requirements on the account for the bot to work properly? or will the bot level those for me aswell? really wanting to buy this script . . personally it wont be a deal breaker just am curious. get back to me as soon as possible thank you mr. lord of the bots. cheers.
  11. how can i get a refund? i bought this and it barely works lol. it keeps stopping and keeping my character stood still. lame.
  12. TY 4 this used it last night and worked flawlessly & ez setup. although it wasnt drinking my super strengths....
  13. @Eagle Scripts does this support mohagany tables and demon butler together?
  14. rip @Jonny i heard you were a nice guy
  15. heyyyy, that's pretty good! i don't know this @Jonny you speak of but he sounds like a nice person.
  16. Okay so i have this great idea. . . have you ever been playing runescape and people just bother you? Have you ever just wanted to be the big boy on the block? Have you ever wanted to just Mute people in game? MY IDEA WILL SOLVE ALL OF THESE PROBLEMS! So i challenge any scripter to write a script that goes around reporting people at g.e or around runescape, for player moderator status! Name it the Player Moderator bot ! - you're welcome for the great idea!
  17. so i got some ideas about making some rsgp bank loot using osbot as a tool, for this to work i will need atleast 7-10 accounts running. in the store VIP is said to run unlimited bots. does this mean i can have 10 tabs open on one single osbot client, running the same script?
  18. this information has helped alot , thank you. well i was told that jagex is out of office on the weekends so i thought fuck it , i ran the bot friday till sunday into monday morning lol i think that was my mistake then . i got 92-98str rofl. next time i will just baby sit it and talk in cc. are you sure vpn is safe though , because if i was banned on the ip that i own, and i use vpn wouldn't that look sus? thanks again i will just talk in cc and watch a movie next time. currently i am botting a f2p pure at rock crabs for low level fun with 63 range [im going to test out a cannon script from the store] and going for 60 str . going to do some oldschool f2p pking with it hehehe . it should be done tonight , i will hit 11s with addy arrows and 15 with scim and 18 r2h at like 43-44 combat : P
  19. Hey i think that my ip is flagged my jagex im a novice idk what to do.. i got a 2 day ban on my main for botting nnmz... look , i dont have all the time i used to when i was younger to just sit and grind for hours. . . i just wanted to bot some combat levels before raids come out on my main in NMZ , but got a 2 day really fast. is there a way i can get rid of the risk of gettting banned again in the future?
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