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Everything posted by freq

  1. Hey @Eagle Scripts, are you still considering a Tithe Farm script?
  2. What settings did you use if you don't mind me asking?
  3. Honestly not a good price when the key rate is currently at the very least $1.6-1.8ea
  4. For some reason I'm having trouble with dropping on this script it keeps clicking them instead of shift-clicking. Never had this problem before, but another script did the same thing today. I wonder if it has to do with the new OSBot update? @Czar
  5. freq


    Something weird just happened, it had accidentally clicked use on a fish it was dropping and kept trying to use it on the fishing spot, just standing there spamming it and getting 'nothing interesting happens'. EDIT: It also seemed to only drop Leaping Sturgeons when I had Leaping Salmons selected EDIT2: Seems to be a regular occurance that it gets stuck after having accidentally clicked use instead of drop, I do have shift-click dropping enabled.
  6. freq

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    ETA on Rogues Den @Czar?
  7. Could you do something to combat the general bot-like movements of this script @Khaleesi
  8. Script is pretty damn slow in general, making (un)finished potions takes way longer than it should
  9. You can use spaces just fine now
  10. Is alch + tele not available anymore @Czar ? EDIT: Nvm, I'm stupid :p
  11. Hey Apa Could you add TTL to the paint?
  12. I don't see why not but fair enough man. Feel like almost every normal player would because it's faster/easier The mouse movements in general are a little too mechanical imo, I was doing green d'hide bodies earlier for a little bit. I like your scripts though
  13. You should add using hotkeys in the new interface instead of clicking on them
  14. Should really support shift-click dropping. And yes, I do have it enabled in the RS settings.
  15. Will the bot work properly on Bandits in the desert with a Sara/Zammy item? I'd love support for that, it's very AFK already though
  16. Is that a deadman proggie, or?
  17. Not sure if it's even functional, but I've already read of a few cases of people suspecting to be banned due to loading deadman mode on client.
  18. Just an account to keep all your valuables/loot/cash etc. from botting so you don't lose it
  19. Scammed me on a fire cape order. I was stupid enough to leave the bank open, and he stole ~28m. User did wave 1-50 while screen sharing on Skype and hung up saying "brb", he was doing two orders at the same time and was having lags, so we agreed to going back on screen share at wave 60. He stopped answering for a while and said it was done a while later. I logged on and everything I had of value was gone. He even admitted to it afterwards. http://i.imgur.com/rYCaJTz.png Let me know if there's anything else you need.
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