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Everything posted by Tony22

  1. Nothing too serious, its only a 2 day ban and the account only has like 100 hours put into it. It's unfortunate but i recently purchased vip so i hope the mirror mode will help me avoid bans more often, im planning to run a couple more accounts as well so these bans will begin more crucial to avoid as it will affect how much money i make in the long run. Anyone gotten any bans from certain scripts lately?
  2. Thank you very much! I didn't know there was a new version that was out, i checked out your post on the dev blog and I also noticed all the extra changes and bug fixes you have made, the script is running flawless now. Amazing Scripter!
  3. Script Version: V1.3 OSBot Version: 2.5.45 Stealth Injection or Mirror mode: Stealth Injection Brief description of the issue: Bot cannot recognize when Konoo is at a salt piere location and he will constantly go from salt to salt location and repeat, he will be next to konoo and continue looking for him in different spots. (i paused the bot and had to speak to him manually as shown on the screenshot.) Stack trace and or contents of Logger (Settings -> Toggle Logger): I put a screenshot below of logger. Reache d destination many times with no success.
  4. geez, whenever I attempted something similar to this, i was banned in a few days lol, good job keeping it from getting banned. Let's hope for the best!
  5. its useful if you like flipping items and have a few hundred mills lying in the bank just waiting for it to be invested. During the days where I would play the game legit, i often found myself using Ge-tracker to keep a close eye on ever changing prices in order to make a good flip. It's quite an amazing tool and well worth the 2 pounds you pay each month for its services. If you don't merch and flip daily, then the application really isn't for you, but its always still nice to know when an item has changed drastically in price since it gives you extra time to panic sell it and lose the least amount of money from it. It's great to be informed of prices of specific items and thier patterns, its sort of a guide to help you merch throughout.
  6. Thank you so much! I've went ahead and have ran the easy clues portion of the script and i must say, its pretty solid and solves every single clue with the acception of perhaps the hosideus one where he has to speak with the Father in the cemetary. Everything else seems pretty solid so far, Amazing script, ill be running the medium clues in a couple days to try it out again.
  7. praise given! Congrats =D
  8. I agree, paying the extra $2.99 is definitely worth it, i've never personally used the script, but i do down a couple of paid ones and i can assure you than they usually tend to be higher quality and less buggy. That doesn't mean that you aren't at risk of getting a ban, so make sure you are using it on an account you are willing to lose. I've seen far too many people lose high level accounts that they would personally use which really sucks. Cooking is generally afkable and can be done while being semi - idle, but if you must bot, remember to take breaks in between and have some sort of anti bot detect mechanism in place. Wish you the best and good luck on your levels!
  9. So far the script works well with all parts but since it doesn't know any of the new clues, it either stays stuck or it decides to end the script depending on the setting I have it set on. I believe that there were 5 new medium clues that came into the game, a long with the Hosideus rework that currently breaks the bots actions more often than not, i feel like 20-30% of every clue fails due to this. When do you think it will be until you update the bot with these newly found clues? No pressure, i just want to get an estimate as I currently can't really use the bot without fully babysitting it and having to do the clues manually when it can't continue. Thanks!
  10. Hi! I purchased this script from you 2 days ago and I must say, i am quite impressed!! With some improvements, i believe it can be as good as IDung, created by Kiko back in my old rsbuddy days. There are a few things that i've noticed that do not function properly but it is due to the new hosedius update that changed a lot of locations there as well as the addition of the new song clues, but im sure within a couple updates, you will have updated all of them. The Script itself when doing clues that it knows, works fairly well, there are minor things you could do like add ring of duelling and games necklace support, but im sure that's already on your to-do list and it's still a work in progress. The bot normally seems to take a much longer and unnecessary route when certain teleports would get it there much faster. Another thing i've noticed is that when I have stamina potions enabled, the script will go to a location of a clue, once its within the area it will scan the inventory and not find a stamina, and it will teleport out to head to a bank to get one and head back to the location all over again without looting it first. For this reason i have disabled stamina potions as it causes a lot of extra walking but everything else seems to work fine so far. I do have a couple questions though. Since medium clues require to have a certain amount of quest finished, do those quest have to be completely completed or can I do the quest up to the point where the area is accessible and will the bot recognize this? Another question is, How well does it do easy tier clue scrolls as I plan to do those in the meantime while the medium clue scrolls are being updated? Well i guess ill figure it out anyway once attempt it. Anyways, thank you for making this bot and I wish you the best with your progress. Ill let you know if i find any specific bugs related to the script via the template that you posted earlier and ill make sure to show the logger so that you may know whats wrong. Have a great day!
  11. Czar, could you activate the Perfect Thiever AIO Stript for me please? I'm planning on possibly purchasing it, but i want to first make sure how well it runs. Thank you!
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