Agreed. I bought the bot a few days ago and its been great overall but babysitting it, I have noticed a few things besides of what you just mentioned.
EDIT: It seems like both of the problems I was facing seems to have been solved by just reading the GUI a tad bit more, silly me. It's working pretty great now.
EDIT2: Wait... it actually still does this even with the "fewer minimap clicks" enabled. It gets out of sequence and clicks out of line. It's quite major actually, and it didn't seem to do this two days ago. I might have to stop running the bot since this is too obvious. Hope its fixed soon. Will add a log upon request.
It seems to happen at the Water and Fire altar the most. It tries to get close to the portal without clicking on the mini map, but the pathing sometimes takes him somewhere else entirely. If it can click from altar, straight to portal, im sure this issue would be fixed.
Also, If you could give an extra option between "Auto" and "waiting for first portal" such as leaving at the 45 sec mark, that'd be amazing. This is not a big deal, nor should be a priority, but its a nice option to be added since you really don't need to wait till first portal. Would prob help in getting that extra point.
Been botting for 15 years since the Simba, RsBuddy and Kiko days and I've probably used and tested over +100 bots and you are definitely one of my favs.
You're always available and active. I can always rely on a Czar made bot.