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  1. I love Khalessi's scripts but do think this script needs some attention. Some simple bug fixes, rune pouch support, master worker etc.
  2. I am in mirror mode and fixed. I am not interacting, have it on the basic setting and hit start.
  3. Definitely can tell items are missing, but out of no where the bot will pick up to drag an item, hold it, and drag it up and down the bank over and over again for minutes. This was for a basic item that is on the list. Not really sure what's wrong.
  4. can confirm it is also bugged on astral alter. Stands there doing nothing or moving camera in circles and exits from bank, tried multiple settings. Also, does this have support for rune pouches? Have astral runes in the pouch, but withdraws some from bank anyway.
  5. Galaga

    rsos gold crach

    I am not saying this is my logic. I said this is the talk that has been told to me.
  6. Galaga

    rsos gold crach

    The gold crash has been pissing me off. Use to be able to sell gold for .93 usd/m now its what .68? The people I talk to blame it on the player boom since mobile. More players=more gold, which makes prices lower. I hope Jag stays on holiday
  7. There will always be people posting crazy hours, but I consider Agility to be one of the "hot" scripts. Seems like people get their accounts banned on Agility a lot more than say Zulrah. Use graceful, if not fashionscape it up, change your name from random numbers, get your skills up, then run the script say Ardy rooftops or wilderness agility. Somewhere not as common. Then the ban is basically a game of Russian roulette past 2 hours. Get someone to make you a bot rather than trying to copy others. In my experience you will have less of a chance to get banned if your script is not an imitation.
  8. Hate to say it bro and I know you know this, but this is why people say don't bot at all on any account you value. Bans *will* eventually happen to any account. In my experience, 95% of the time if you got in insta perma ban and not a 2 day ban, they have gathered bot-like behavior from you for a while, assessed the data, were certain you were a bot, then issued the ban. As stated above, I would try and plea the "I was hacked" card and just got your acc back, sending the appeal with your original IP. Try and sound like a noob and paying customer. Also @LeBron knows his shit. Any person suddenly hitting you up saying they can get it done for you for 100m, or there are secret ways, blah blah blah… Want your $ and will scam you. Try this, and if it works, never ever bot on the same IP or that acc again. I would even suggest no RWT either. Fagex will be staring at that acc like a fuckin starving hawk sees a dying rabbit. If you are banned, don't get pissy and quit the game, botting, etc. Learn from it, make a new main, get some new accs running, start a gold farm and you will be right back in it in faster than you think. Feel free to reach out for more.
  9. If money is a scarce for you, find some pking private server. Spend some time on there learning about chop. Just go out and practice the timing of switching to a pec weapon. Also, go to free to play worlds and do no arm fights with the switch to a r2h. once you got that down go on youtube and look up pkers. See the metas and emulate them yourself.
  10. Galaga

    Fruity NMZ

    script since the update won't start for me. I added my settings, press play, and i just stand there doing nothing. I checked the logger, but there is no information other than the script has started. edit: Just launched the bot from the login screen and now it works... weird
  11. mate im waiting for u

  12. Hello once again friends. I have been looking to start a bot farm for gold farming... Only thing is, i have lot of questions and am kind of confused. Alot is little details, like getting accounts, what to bot, avoiding bans fresh off tut island, etc. I am looking for a private teacher/partner to help me. A few months ago i reached out to a few of you all, and all wanted to keep their secrets private. Anyway, here i am. Thank you
  13. Galaga

    Fruity NMZ

    Just ran this script using rock cake and full dh, air jordans and torture. Worked without any issues with rock cake, prayer flick rapid heal or anything like that. Stopped when DH set went to 0. However, this is worth noting that in the past the script has forgotten to eat the rock cake to get hp down to 1. This problem has seemed to fix itself though. It will run ovlds and abs no problem. I would just purchase the script; it is very worth it. Dh is best xp/hr.
  14. Galaga

    Fruity NMZ

    I absolutely adore this script. Fruity doesn't really seem to give much attention and feedback to this section. However other than the occasional rock cake bug with this, it works fantastic with banking and stuff for me. I have no problem running it for hours and hours. The glitches just seem to affect xp/hr for me. That however doesn't make me stop using it, just a mild inconvenience.
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