the option for swordfish also says cage fish (for lobsters/ the one for sharks has a second option that says net. whenever i see net option i harpoon over there meaning it will get me sharks.
script works great got me from 70-76 fishing at barbs, but i noticed something when fishing for sharks, sometimes it harpoons and ends up getting tuna/swordies. anyway for it ti tell the diffrence between shark and tuna harpooning?
Hello i was wondering if i would be able to bot on my main and also log into runescape through their client or runelite to fish on my alt. would that be allowed or would i get banned. this would be on the same computer at the same time. any help or input would be greatly appreciated
scripts seems to be falling apart. my player randomly will keep running in between bank and my crabs location. did it for like 3 mins luckily i was there or else probably would've been a Ban for sure.