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  1. Ran to far from silver stall lost the location same with ardy knights..
  2. crashers alot... like alot alot dindt even train 1 lvl
  3. sexysin


    Any updates on having it do pure fcapes yet, ;p
  4. sexysin

    Fruity NMZ

    yo fruity been using this for a while but recently now it stays stuck on "buying more supplies" and just stands next to the barrels untill i enable input and click the chest can u look into this? I think it only does this when u run out of potions
  5. sexysin

    Stealth Quester

    the mith gloves option seems to be broken it doesnt do big chompy, rfd ogre, pirate pete, fishing contest, rfd dwarf after using this option about 5 times this is the first time it just logs me out also will we be seeing more quests added to the list?
  6. its good but it stands still near the black demons and sometimes skeletons not doing anything till it takes enough damage to teleport out and start the process again
  7. sexysin

    Stealth Quester

    dude theres a little problem on shadow of the storm it keeps failing the boss if youre just 30 att 30 str 24 hp (from the quests) it fights it head on when it should poison it and hide
  8. sexysin

    Stealth Quester

    just to let everyone know that yes this bot is 100% legit. On 4 accounts that were level 3 with no combat stats at all now all i did was get the required levels for all the quests and with the money in my bank all i have to do is start the bot and click "all" as the quest option. it will do witches house and waterfall and be able to defeat any bosses based on the levels gained from those. I then go out for a couple hours come back and it has literally done all the quests on the list. The bot buys teleports and does everything flawlessly and quickly and is deffo more efficient than 80% of all of you at doing these quests. 100% worth the cost literally the best bot made imo and ive used a shitton One thing i will suggest is going onto the runescape settings and taking off the roofs as the bot will sometimes get stuck for a minute i mean it will eventually get out of it but takes a while so if the creator could add a way for the bot to do this automatically or fix this issue by adding a failsafe that would be great but this bot is legit flawless!
  9. whats the best rock crab bot on here before i buy one? in your opinions ranged is what ill mainly use it for
  10. sexysin

    Stealth Quester

    nvm ill buy it now
  11. sexysin

    Fruity NMZ

    i bought this like a year ago why do i not own it anymore wtf?
  12. i bought this in like 2015 why do i not own this anymore? wtf
  13. sexysin

    Stealth Quester

    hopefully you respond today >.<
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