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  1. thanks would i be able to get it reset its already 11 hours down lol cuz of update and getting out of work late
  2. Hopefully you can Implement cuz i would love to see this on this script bought it and its pretty good
  3. can i get a trial please i was given one already but never got a chance to use it cuz i was away when i got it
  4. Can i get a trial please want to see how it works at gargs
  5. Does the bot support guthans? Also can i get a trial?
  6. Can you set up this script to safe spot monsters??
  7. what's up with this update it's been 3 days already??
  8. Any idea when this bot will be fix @Czar
  9. This getting updated today? its been idling when it loots and also at the bank, and when it teleports to clanwars.
  10. can i get a trial please and thank you
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