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  1. Hey Czar could you code in saradomin godsword, this method didn't work. Cheers
  2. Trying to spec with saradomin godsword, confused as to the controls. Enable spec attacks on first page of gui (Main), ive inputted the name 'Saradomin Godsword'on the Misc page and selected it as spec weapon. Spec only above 60 Hp as default is checked and also on Misc 2 wait for 100% spec. I'm confused because it doesn't use spec at all or even switch from main weapon to spec weapon. I have tried using the godsword as the main weapon too.
  3. Any way to get this script to use spec?
  4. Hey mate logged back in and I'm dead gf fury and 3k nature runes, never happened before wtf...
  5. any chance I could get a trial please?
  6. Any chance I could get a trail if its working, thanks.
  7. swagg0t


    I like the look of this can I have a trial please?
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