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Everything posted by SocialGFX

  1. Gotta be. At LEAST 2 years. Maybe three.
  2. I was thinking 70 def.. ~90 range ballpark. Is the attack and str necessary?
  3. holy shit you're still around?!? Remember this?? Lol
  4. Anyone know of some Range Tank PK builds/guides?
  5. If you'd like to learn Photoshop feel free to contact me!
  6. I'm a huge Rams fan - but I don't have any of their players on my fantasy team. Is this a wallpaper or a signature? The picture is way too big.
  7. What did you use to make this? The text outline looks pretty pixelated. Good shot though for a beginner.
  8. Ha, I know right? Need to change the damn name. Realizing how retarded I was when I picked it.
  9. Hey y'all, it's been a while. I used to do graphics back in 2015, it was a great time and I got to meet a lot of good people on here. Not sure if I'm going to do gfx again due to my time constraints, but I'd like to say hi! How's everyone doing?
  10. Not at all, really. GIMP is the only think that comes close but it's still quite a bit away from being anything that Photoshop can do.
  11. It would take a lot of time to run a tutorial. If you have any questions or are wanting some tips I feel free to add me on Skype and I'll throw you some help if you need it.
  12. You've made a lot of progress over the months. Great job.
  13. I'll try these sites and see what I can come up with. Bare with me.
  14. Haven't been able to do any graphic work or requests due to a full time internship & classes I took on over the summer. Here's one I just cranked out in some spare time today. Might open shop back up in the near future. Uncertain, as my schedule still varies. Edit: Wow, imgur really does dampen the quality.
  15. Anyone play Rainbow 6: Siege + r u down 2 clown?
  16. Thank you so much for the 25m! I honestly can't believe that I won lol. Feels so great!!!!
  17. Prices I charge basically reflect time involved with the project. I've sent you a message on Skype!
  18. Hey, Yes I do banners. Here are two examples that I've done:
  19. How long have you been designing?: 10 years What is your Skype?: SocialGfx What is one thing you would like to learn?: Organization on thread layouts and better 3d text management. I can teach many tricks to new members of the group.
  20. Looks great! You using a Wacom tablet, Dex?
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