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Everything posted by SocialGFX

  1. yes Quite certain the free 7qp questing script got one of my bots banned the night of using it. Left it AFK splashing after using it and woke up this morning to a ban. I noticed the dialogue speed was outrageous. Didn't think it would flag my account though, but I'm assuming it did.
  2. Per title, Have you guys seen any good bots for questing? Any recommendations?
  3. Do pets do anything for you or is it just for bragging rights?
  4. @@Juggles Is there a way to have it loot multiple items?
  5. @@ProjectPact Sure do. SocialGFX I'll show you some of my other script logos.
  6. Will do! You should let me do the gui or logo for your next script!
  7. Thanks everyone for the welcome backs! Here ya go
  8. LOL, I've never even heard of this until now.
  9. Damn, I need to make these kinds of threads more entertaining. Next time I'll ask a trivia question, ha. EDL, Have a color scheme in mind?
  10. Now that I'm back on the ball, I'd like to get warmed up with some design. First person to reply to this thread will get a free signature.
  11. I don't believe we have had SOTM for December yet, there still may be an opportunity!
  12. My most recent shows; Blacklist Parks & Recreation The Office Narcos Better Call Saul Burn Notice
  13. Interesting, thanks Muffins!
  14. Saw this in a video. Was wondering what tea this is and the purpose the player is using it for?
  15. I am now active once again. Taking orders, let's go!
  16. Very impressive work guys! Had no idea we could change the font. Oh well
  17. I thought D Claws were confirmed? Felix, I didn't realize they've opened any positions up. Have taken a botting hiatus, have returned now. May look into it, thank you.
  18. Does anyone know any information on the D claws release date?
  19. I'll throw my name in the hat if your previous offers do not work out. Feel free to shoot me a PM. Samples here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/77123-socialism-graphics-07gppp-skype-socialgfx/
  20. Interesting, so what if you were to run a bot on the childhood account after your other bots were flagged and banned? Do you believe that account to be watched or flagged potentially?
  21. I think I figured it out. I just did not know I needed to assign it to loot the bones in order to bury them. Bury Bones - enabled Loot - None Does not bury bones. Bury Bones - enabled Loot - Bones assigned Will bury bones. All is working proper now. Do you have a more advanced version of this you're working on? Would be interested in making a purchase.
  22. Thank you for the response, Jack. Would you say that if a main were on the same ip as a bot, the main would be flagged regardless of what the next logged in IP would be?
  23. Jack, Thank you for taking the time to create this thread. I've found it very helpful. Care to elaborate on this? Thanks
  24. Hey Juggles, Great script. Just to let you know- the bot is currently failing to bury bones. A look into this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  25. It says in the details not to buy it, as the scripts are free within your client. You should always read the details of a product, especially when making a purchase.
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