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JustSe7en last won the day on February 17 2022

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  1. @Khaleesi Script running great as always - just wanted to report this little hitch that I found. I'm running on mirror mode, and new mouse. When using NPC contact to attempt to repair pouches it seems when completing a game and going to repair pouches, it will get stuck in the NPC contact dialogue and then spit out this error. Runs fine after all of it and it does repair the pouches, but just a little hitch I thought I'd let ya know about Here are the log messages: [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:56 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:56 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: skip [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:19:57 PM]: Failed to parse total points - please report [INFO][Bot #1][05/02 12:20:08 PM]: Repaired pouches (Dialogue) Keep up the great work as always
  2. I can vouch for this as well. @Khaleesi The quality of this script reminds me of the old iDung bot that was absolutely legendary. Always responsive and willing to help. Probably gonna start up alts and run gotr and a few other khal scripts just to see how far I can get.
  3. Yeahh that was my fault, it is working fine
  4. @KhaleesiSeems like the bot is not using the dragon axe special attack even when equipped and selected on the GUI. Otherwise seems to be working well. Appreciate the great work as always!
  5. working as intended for me, but I don't usually mess with the GE restocking settings.
  6. Been running nicely. I have noticed at abyssal demons the script will keep saying "Fight" and the camera will move around and not stop. Other than that I haven't noticed anything else. Thanks! On mirror mode, new mouse
  7. Running great. My only other suggestion is maybe waiting a little longer for NPC contact at the end of each round. It tends to try and repair around the time the guardian is getting killed and when that happens the NPC contact is canceled out making you have to re-do it. Just would help make things run smoother I think. I appreciate your hard work!
  8. Really liking this one. Easy purchase
  9. Excited for this one! Congrats! Any chance I can get a trial? Much appreciated!
  10. Also getting the issue of clicking the altar multiple times while moving to it. Only using small pouch so not sure how NPC Contact is working.
  11. yes currently having the same issue. The hotfixes they released must have messed with the OSBot. Just have to wait for an update
  12. Is this script working at all? I plan on trying it out later today and I will report back. Hoping it works really excited to use it. Update: Working so far, thanks so much for this!
  13. Back using this bot months later and its still working as intended on Nieve. Much thanks for keeping this gem of a script updated!
  14. Cannot wait for the trollheim and fruit tree picking to be added. Amazing script!
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