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Everything posted by ik_own_ziek

  1. are you giving out trials for this i want to know how it works before purchasing it =]
  2. hey i would like too try this script pre buying, could u hit me up with a trial?
  3. Great guy always on point with the speed of deluvery
  4. Yea sure, I'll try to put up a new acc tonight. I'll let you know if same error occurs
  5. acc fails stage one at woodcutting, gets axe/box does not click stat window. so is unavaible to proceed to fishing, did that stage manually. bread stage succes quest stage succes mining -prospect succes -mining succes -smelting succes -smithing succes combat -equip stage succes -fighting stage succes banking succes prayer/friends/ignore succes magic stage succes drops items when leaving tut overall way better then a few days ago, keep it up leesi!
  6. V2 is running more Human Like then i have ever seen a bot do, the stutter stepping makes me hard ?
  7. aah @Fruity told me it was broken XD
  8. why is that paint diffrent? or are you running V2?
  9. ^ still an issue when it does just drinks pots and still teles to bank anyways PS: im willing to test V2. PSS: running the script on a few new accs, with both a dedicated VPN, has 200-400 kills right now doing 2 times 2-hour sessions with some innovative anti ban measures. and haven't been banned as of yet
  10. why is te bot not calcing correct GP/Hour? it always halts for me after one kill. maybe i do something wrong though
  11. that kind of undesired situations are you talking about? I mean it can't be worse than dying right? as for teleport the bot usually has at least some barrows tabs, maybe let it use one if it really really has to
  12. @FrostBug is it possible to make the bot emergency teleport when it is nearly dying? for some reason i died twice in 2 days, the only info the debugger gives me is this becuase i dont know how it dies, but to me it looks like it jsut dies infront of chest if u need my info about script settings hmu in a PM
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