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Uchiha Sasuke

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Everything posted by Uchiha Sasuke

  1. Weird goal but good luck. I'd just go to the script section and look for scripts which have been getting bad feedback lately and use that.
  2. Go for Godswords, those are always fun.
  3. Today i met my girlfriend at mcdonalds and touched tips with her dad. This was not a normal father, he was sick. He told his daughter, that unfortunately he was dying of boredom due to flaccid balls. What would her mother say if
  4. Yeah I have to agree lol. Not my style at all.
  5. Nice build and good specs. I am hoping to also do something like this when I have the money but that might be awhile.
  6. I thought that was coming later this summer in English.
  7. Welcome back. Sorry about your main.
  8. I have photoshop and I've messed around with it on my own a little. I may try to make something with that later on but for now, I'm going to use GIMP for practice. But thanks for heads up.
  9. I think you would get caught in no time to be honest even if you are using mirror mode. You got caught on that account once and now they are most like monitoring that account more than usual. Don't take the risk unless you really don't care about the account and just start botting a new one on a VPN and play legit on other or try to sell the other one to someone who would play legit on it.
  10. Today i met my girlfriend at mcdonalds and touched tips with her dad. This was not a normal father he was sick. He told his daughter, that unfortunately he was dying of boredom due to flaccid balls. What would her
  11. And stay away from banana's
  12. I played Dota 2 for a while and it's extremely similar to LoL but with better graphics and it is harder than LoL as well. I personally didn't like it that much and neither did my girlfriend. We preferred LoL because it was quicker to learn and get into the game without watching any gameplay videos. If I was you, I'd just stick to League of Legends.
  13. Uchiha Sasuke


    Lol that's what I was thinking. 1800 such a odd milestone.
  14. Thank you. Mostly used tutorials over youtube to help me. It's crazy what you can learn.
  15. Yeah just tell her you messed up and bring a new essay that's entirely your own work with you. If she's a nice person then she will just let you off with a warning hopefully.
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