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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Trump

  1. needs more ram, i suggest you give a vist to http://downloadmoreram.com/
  2. Ill do it for you 4m http://osbot.org/forum/topic/102710-trump-services-quests-powerleveling-minigames-firecape/
  3. I agree, and what i have said before. We need to make osbot great again!
  4. hahahahahhah RIP oh wow i got a moderate ban as well i thought it was perm i just checked.
  5. I dont think there is a line where you shouldn't make a joke. You can make a joke about anything you want.
  6. personaly i think I would charge 8-10gp xp
  7. do you have void? or you a 1 defence pure?
  8. i can bot in peace now.
  9. its fine if my paypal worked i would have sold you some.
  10. Trump

    rip france

    DAMN THOSE Christians
  11. got any BTC? i need to sell just 5m of btc
  12. gl hopefully you get luckier then me.
  13. Yeah. But i left it on all last night before the update, fell asleep.
  14. rip mine got banned i used czar fighter at sand crabs while i slept woke up it banned
  15. if you have btc i can sell you some for 1.2m
  16. what script you going to use for that?
  17. Im doing similar to you i got members but i have no where to train? where yo going to train after men like you said?
  18. i got like 3-5 tut island complete.
  19. Thats good, that means one less un educated voter
  20. This is funny because of all the young people thinking bernie was our savior. Little did they know that, all that money they donated now goes to Hillary. Trump will make america great again!
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