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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Trump

  1. well if you are good at flipping then yes, you can make a bunch of gp. amd the more gp you have the more you can flip.
  2. ill buy off ya. add me on skype: squarescripts
  3. Trump

    Stealth Quester

    Yeah i dont suggest anyone using it till its fixed got banned in 2 days of using it.
  4. Trump

    Stealth Quester

    thanks for letting me know!
  5. raise.com is where i get gift cards. its a really good website.
  6. Trump

    Stealth Quester

    it gets stuck constantly and have to check it every 20min. I left my laptop on by accident and fell asleep it was standing in one place for 5 hours, pretty sure the account is going to get banned now
  7. What Spot Are You Applying For: Power LVLing Timezone: EST Availability: 4-5 Days a week. Skype: squarescripts Do you agree to the TOS and will you be able to pay the entrance fee + deposit?: No
  8. I can buy it off ya.
  9. need 5m please post offers below - paypal only-
  10. he asked for a quote for exactly that reason.
  11. just transfer the money from your main to the new account and buy the bond there.
  12. I will go first, ill buy all 14m\ nrm sold
  13. its your choice, bought over 330m no problem, but would like 20m with paypal only.
  14. could i get a 12-24 hour trial
  15. sorry I dont know enough of java to even know where to begin in fixing the issue.
  16. sometimes when you download rsps from other websites that people made and are sharing, they put anti-leeching stuff like leaving a small error for you to fix to run it.
  17. i got an account with 1800+ total ;) original owner by muffins.
  18. Yes. I know its hard to believe but some words can have more then one meaning!
  19. ill join if i get 92% of the wealth, from the winnings.
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