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1 ticks

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by 1 ticks

  1. idk what a saradomin light is. do you mean the thing that goes on the ss you get with bh points?
  2. yea, you'll for sure get banned botting for that long.
  3. 60 attack (quested) 59 strength, almost 60 1 prayer 70 hp 79 range 99 fishing 56 combat No mith gloves
  4. still better than trump and that delusional women that thinks she's as equal as men
  5. 1 ticks


    - start a race war - snort cocaine through a veggie straw - kill a hooker - get 99 range - stimulate my prostate for jesus - spaghetti - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - go outside - Watch all spongebob episodes - assassinate trump - Ducks - moar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. happening to me when im trying to pk..... idk what the fuck is going on
  7. stats: 60 attack 60 str 80 range 99 fishing 1 prayer attack has been quested monkey madness started and a gree gree is on the account so you can 1 prayer pure chin
  8. i know but i didn't want to let my pc be running all day. this is like a vps for your phone
  9. First off: $8.99 for "alwaysonpc" is the best thing you can get (you can only afk at crabs, do easy skills, and do simple quests, but i mean you're on your phone and you can do it anywhere) ITS SURPRISINGLY LESS LAGGY THAN YOU WOULD THINK So im training my account at crabs (on the app ofc) and it's not on the ip that i always play on so i'm wondering if i have any chance of getting banned. i'm not botting it or anything, just normally training it. Is there any chance of me getting banned? from playing on 2 ip addresses?
  10. 10m on the one with just 85 mining and no other stats
  11. basically, you give me the internet service provider, creation date, where it was made, and transaction id of the account so it's impossible to take back.
  12. i like them, but two things. could i do a recovery test? you said there were emails on them already, i'm assuming we're getting them?
  13. so im chinning at the pure spot and i'm not sure how to reaggro the monkeys once i loose their aggro. (i'm using pot up sons spot and i used his guide, he didnt mention how to fix it) i have to keep using my long bow to get them back and that's really annoying!
  14. 25m bid via pm. selling it to him tonight if now one else bids
  15. true. probably not going to even turn a tv on until i buy a steam machine, whenever those take off
  16. People still watch tv? tv is becoming the radio
  17. not taking paypal, sorry. i would but you don't have enough feedbacks
  18. 1. Pictures of the account stats https://gyazo.com/14ce06dc8f444d20c3cee62f75f86e07 2. Pictures of the login details https://gyazo.com/9e8b0f956a0c6261f5965259554d9c27 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) Zamorak book and unholy book and that's pretty much it 4. Pictures of the quests completed https://gyazo.com/8cf911ed89cfd8579869a782bb412541 https://gyazo.com/a3e10f20a6ab30f96b86bf0e3843e63b also biohazard and plague city for cannon spot in ogre pits horror from the deep 5. The price you will be starting bids at 10m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 30m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 only or maybe an account trade 8. Your trading conditions depends on feedback! 9. Account status https://gyazo.com/f4a48971e91f647aeac740ff712cf07b ^ shout out to the red flag and his service for getting me this and giving me a whopping 1m off the service -.- 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address ​I am the original owner and you get the original email address with the "welcome to runescape" email on there to prove it's the email it was created on!
  19. i didn't want my account priced checked anyway
  20. stats: 50 attack 78 str 70 hp 13 prayer 82 mage 72 range Desert treasure done full unholy book
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