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1 ticks

Trade With Caution
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  1. http://gyazo.com/753bbbe62ccfcfe727f4274785716d1c http://gyazo.com/44fe4e4346eb6fc14de8ba372e00ffed stats: 43 prayer 72 range 58 hp attack and str are low 99 woodcutting ava's hasn't been done.
  2. ew, no that's gross and pointless and i did preist in peril, and then trained from 12-13 prayer so i would have 16 which is even worse. (because i used to be an obby mauler)
  3. so im cannoning on my 13 prayer gmauler at the moment, http://gyazo.com/a5e0dfb24ec035b7e7f94bde2a18a158 , and i'm wondering if there's a better place to train? i'm currently getting ~47k range xp an hour but it's pretty expensive. I know i could use iron arrows at crabs but that's like 21k xp an hour and a waste of my time. any alternatives?
  4. i mean, id just turn ur bots off now.
  5. http://www.twitch.tv/runescape HIDE THE CHILDREN AND BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES..... who knows how long until they move on to 07!
  6. 1 ticks

    Pures and Pking

    you wont get bored trust me. pures are great, i've had every kind besides a zerker and a voider with venge. played since the release of oldschool and haven't really quit since then. i've just been pking
  7. 1 ticks

    Pures and Pking

    try not to get anywhere near 60 combat. That's my swamp. rushed 6m yesterday XD
  8. yea, your ip is probably flagged. you can buy a vps or proxy and run a bot off of that to protect your main i mean, i used to do it a lot from my home ip when the ban system wasn't as strong back in 2013 of 07. But no a days id say you're at a risk
  9. "train at crabs you get hp xp" im a rusher so no, don't say it. i dont want to hp xp, just range. So where's the best place to cannon for good range xp? the only place i know is the multi spot crab zone
  10. It's been like 30 mins, what am i going to do? all i know is pking..... *starts to sweat* http://gyazo.com/d6a58b25b58eff74482681fc90060581 you can barely walk
  11. c I can currently walk around 3 tiles and then freeze for 1 min then dc. I can't even go from the bank to the wild not mad because i died to lag, I haven't died all morning (currnetly 4-0) im mad because i can't even log in XD
  12. 318, you're about as stable as a teenage girl who just started to menstruate. Sincerely, The Pking Community
  13. different one, i made another with 43 prayer. realized why i sold my other one, fucking voiders
  14. stats: http://gyazo.com/642374198028cf19be6cccf40534a5f3 Fcape: http://gyazo.com/78a80939c40961a10339ec5b2f4797de (ags dosen't come with the account. buy it urself) Quests: animal mag, monkey madness, other random quests believe it or not, even with 65 str, i maxed a 45 with ags
  15. we can just hire team lizard squad to send bomb threats to Jagex HQ so they wont be able to ever go in the building. And if they can't go into the jagex headquarters no one get banned
  16. Disputed Member:[member=Foed] Why it should be removed: he wanted to buy my gmauler account, but he wanted to do an accout trade, and he has a negative feed back so i said to get lost hick and he raged and left me a negative feed back, kids will be kids i suppose. Details: i pretty much explained it above, he's very mad Link to topic: no topic. he's just mad because i wont let him scam me
  17. 1 ticks


    is there an autoclicker that moves the mouse very very slightly and clicks every 1-1.6 seconds or something like that?
  18. 1 ticks


    like, auto click in ge? i get that no one will be able to see me. But dosen't the bot detection system see that i've been clicking in the same spot at the same rate for the past 7 hours with no break? ;/
  19. 1 ticks


    So i was thinking about a new project, a 60 attack zerker. Which im up for. i haven't done barrows gloves in ages and i think it would be fun to do them again, but then i thought about 94 mage, it really turned me off to it. So the question is, what are the chances of getting caught auto clicking? and if i do get caught, what are the chances of getting a perm ban compared to a 2 day ban?
  20. get an ags, its more fun. just got on on mine oodles of fun and ive done bgs to gmaul too.
  21. good started pure, id say 10-15m depending on the buyer (idk $ value of accounts, only gp)
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