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Mistersheiks last won the day on December 20 2021

Mistersheiks had the most liked content!

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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. @Khaleesi can i have a trail?
  2. sorry i dont know! i didnt babysit it. everything looked flawless at the start
  3. thanks! it failed to execute webwalk after vampire slayer, it is just staying at the stairs. after i manually clicked the stairs it started going well again. the log just kept saying failed to execute so information there
  4. @Heiz can i try this out, im going to start creating new accounts and i really want to see if this is going to work flawless with mirror mode
  5. Used the script on 3 accounts for around a month 2-5 hours a day with a 1 hour break included. theyre all banned. there must be something at the red chins lol. so be careful guys got banned friday btw
  6. i changed the gear for dragons to bring a dfs, but it still doesnt take any (extended)anti fire pots. Thanks for the trial, appreciate it! I wont be buying it tho because its a monthly payment + i have to babysit the bot. if it wouldnt have the monthly payment i would probably consider buying it
  7. stealth mode. it didnt open the gate at the ogre camp on the way to blue dragons and also to when entering the cave it get stuck at the notification that its dangerous. and it didnt bring any anti fire pots or shield.
  8. is it possible to trial this script?
  9. I died and it still went into the lair kicking the rat lol. Maybe you can implement getting stuff at death's office and re-gearing?
  10. Indeed 10/10, 70 base stats 1 hour 20 min
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