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  1. This is exactly what i was going to say. The only time i've been banned was due to doing the same task for weeks straight.
  2. You are more than likely infected with malware... or someone may have access to your email acc. Put a pin on your bank?
  3. Probably code word for undetectable/ai bots...
  4. Don't try to find solutions, FIND solutions and grow. This will be a learning experience and hopefully motivate you to never want to be without money again.
  5. Same thing here, not sure if it was the scripts fault or because they were new accounts. But everything acc has been banned.
  6. Bump, still looking. Buying all accounts worth 15-25 USD, must have no bans on record!
  7. Special attack does not seem to be working...
  8. Looks awesome, very interested. Will more quests be added?
  9. unable to set safe spot when magic combat is chosen.
  10. Yes, will you take Paypal or BTC?
  11. Yeah kinda what i was looking for but no ban... sorry
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