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  1. @ProjectPact The script doesn't load. You might want to take a look into this issue. Thanks!
  2. What do you need? : - Att 59 -> 60 - str 50 -> 60 - def 44 -> 60 - rng 1 -> 61 - Graceful outfit (42agility and Canifis unlocked) Going first or middleman? : I'll go firstWhat's your Skype/Discord ID? : Dungchee#4944Do you agree to my TOS? : Yes
  3. Order form - What service do you need?: Arceuus, Lovakengj, Piscarilius, Shayzien 100% Payment method?: OSGP Going first or middleman?: first What's your Discord ID?: Talking to right now. Do you agree to the ToS?: Yes
  4. Seolhyun

    Zeah favours

    Need someone who can do 4 Kourend favours to 100% and lock it. Also, unlock the arceuus spellbook - Arceuus - Lovakengj - Piscarilius - Shayzien * The hosidious favour is already locked so you should also lock everything after 1 house is done. Spoiler for the skills I have that are mostly recommened: ! i need someone who can finish this job ASAP. can pay through paypal, osgp, comment your price below. Thanks!
  5. use the new dev version of osbot . it should solve the problem. Unless you have a shitty ass pc that doesn't suffice the requirements
  6. No specific locations. I'm afraid it happens in whole rs. Been trying to bot in GE, wintertodt, kourend, .. all are the same This happens everywhere. The older versions are a little bit laggy too (2.5.35) usually running at 49-50Fps but now it drops to 18-41Fps for every interaction As for the dev version of 2.5.37 it literally drops to 1 and peaks to 49 and drops to 1 again after an interaction.
  7. Yes, it looks like there is issue for both: injection and mirror mode. - As for injection mode: there will be lag and at the end the whole bot will get stuck (cant start script nor stop script) - As for mirror mode: the fps will drop significantly but will refresh. (after each interaction the fps will drop to 0 and return to 50fps really fast) But yeah, at the end it lags really hard.
  8. Will get back to you soon. Will try and re-encounter this and will send u a message.
  9. No error log. for both injection and mirror mode. Get stuck 1 tile south of the firemaking path. This counts for both the locations GE and VW
  10. Requested Service: Full void + 3 helms, 69-75 rangedTerms of payment (Trade 1st or MM): Trade 1st Discord name: - Talking to right now.Do you agree to the TOS: Yes
  11. Hello! How much would full void with all the helmet cost for 90+ cmb? <- Found 14 - 60 thieving 20 - 50 RC 69-75 ranged <- Found 66 - 70 magic please send me your offer of each skill through comment or pm. Will contact you if interested.
  12. Runs perfectly now. Even with mirror mode. Will you consider adding more anti-ban features? f.e.: random path/interaction with phials (instead of when exiting portal directly use noted bones on phials) = can make it run to phials first and interact and unnote.. the same as for when entering the portal the script directly use bones on altar. which is kind of unhuman or not efficient. I never do that when i play by hand (would prefer running to the altar first). There are too players, as a human it's kind a impossible to directly use bones on altar on without miss-clicking another player. Just a suggestion thought. Anyway! here's a 1 hr proggy. (keeping it safe) https://imgur.com/fYzv04E
  13. Thanks for the trial! I waited a night to post this to see whether I’m delayed banned or not I used this on a noob account to try and ended up using my main to bot on this (you can't deny wc is such a boring skill). I ran this for a total of 5 hours during the 24h trial time. Nothing unhuman about the movements nothing I could spot which might need adjustments.. I botted using Mirror mode. No errors nor did my client killed itself (it normally does with other premium scripts) which was surprising. Anyway, Good luck with this release! I'll join this chopper squad soon!
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