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  1. They certainly do not ban your account if you are not botting, even on a flagged IP. I very much doubt they go as far a checking your HWID. I've been banned before on my own pc's and just started over without a problem. I didn't change my IP or HWID. Simply not botting from the get go increases your chances of survival a lot.
  2. Thanks for the quick response! love you long time
  3. I can confirm this, barb fishing is broken and does as mentioned by cookie monstaaa.
  4. The 'not enough runes' message was displayed multiple times. Luckily the account is still alive. I've halted botting on it for now just to be sure.
  5. Hey Czar just a heads up. I was using this script to enchant ruby amulets and I happened to run out of cosmic runes, but I still had ruby amulets. The script kept on clicking the spell on the amulets despite being out of cosmic runes. The strange thing is that the logger did indeed mention running out of cosmics and mentioned stopping the script, yet it kept on going. edit: probably gg account after one million tries to enchant this amulet. Lol fuarkkk
  6. I experience this delay aswell. I'm stringing magic longbows using default mode. After the last magic longbow is strung there is a delay of 10 seconds (the paint shows it). This decreases the xp/hr a lot. Also during banking there is a 2-3 second delay. I hope this is enough info.
  7. Can you hook me up with a trial? looking for a script for 83 con
  8. I would like a trial aswell
  9. My bad Apaec, the zoom had changed because of a different bot. It's all gucci.
  10. Selects lobster and stops the script after that
  11. sjerdo

    Fruity NMZ

    The script still seems to ignore stop settings. I opted for 1 dream and then logout on exit. Instead the bot ignored this and went on for 11 hours till my dharoks broke. On the plus side I got 1.1m xp on my main, but on the downside I might be getting the hammer soon.
  12. sjerdo

    Fruity NMZ

    I thought about this aswell, but this also happens when my inventory is completely empty. I see how the picture I showed can cause some confusion
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