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Yung Lean

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Yung Lean

  1. Could you PM me? I just want to know how you get 4 chests per run (minimum)
  2. I thought this was some kind of Anti-Ban, but who cares, it works good What are your stats/gear/inv setup?
  3. Im not maxed str so yeah . Should I level up strength up first, and then att/def?
  4. I break every 1.5-2 hours
  5. Do you open two seperate clickers then? So set one to click every 40 seconds and the other to click every 39?
  6. So mine toggles rapid heal every 30 seconds but my prayer goes down pretty fast, how do I fix that?
  7. People have done 27 fire capes in one trip, spamclickin for hours isnt that special. As long as you take breaks and use the mirror client you shouldn't be that scared.
  8. FuttBucker, saw it on one of Mod Ronan's videos :p
  9. USe mirror client + breaks, ive done 10 hours+ today
  10. I get 42k exp an hour at 77 ranged. I wear a dark bow, archer's ring, black d'hide and archers helm. Is that good?
  11. Yung Lean


    Weird, and VIP is worth it
  12. "Our Sick Story" is the perfect name for a metalcore/post-hardcore band
  13. Not that I'm that important or anything but hello! Welcome to OSbot
  14. Well mine got banned back in 2011, I bot on it 6-10 hours a day with no ban. That's the power of premium scripts and mirror mode
  15. All right, will try this after I get 99 fletching
  16. Well I have an account I really want to have back so this might be a chance to get it back.
  17. So how do I make myself worthy of this? I really would like to try it on my account though
  18. Oh! My bad sorry man Do you BTW know what brother is the best to tank because I´m failing to do 2 chests per trip whilst tanking Torag´s and another melee brother, not dharok´s ofcourse.
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