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Yung Lean

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Yung Lean

  1. [iNFO][bot #1][05/12 08:43:40 PM]: ERROR: Layout exception; More than 28 items required How is this possible? My inv. is not too full Even with 1 food and 1 ppot it wont stat, wtf man
  2. So I swapped my Anti-dragonshield for a rune kiteshield, mystic boots for dragon boots and airstaff for trident
  3. I also read on the internet that magic bonus doesnt really matter inside the tombs? Is that correct?
  4. So with 75 mage I'll be wearing mystic as mage gear and black D'hide with rune CB as ranged gear (both with a Fury). Do I need to change anything or do you have any tips?
  5. So my ranged is 77 now, and my mage 73. Should I just 100% range the brothers? Or mage everyone but Ahrims? Help me please :p
  6. 14 hours my man, 14 fucking hours :D
  7. Running for 8 hours now (with breaks).
  8. I got a feeling the "time till 80" counter is glitched. This morning it told me that I had 6 hours to go but that's impossible when I have more that 1M exp to go at 34K exp an hour. 6 hours later it told me 5 hours left til 80 ranged.
  9. I reckon someone is going to put Bohemian Rhapsody in here for the trolls xD
  10. That's actually a good reason, but don't VPS's support the mirror client?
  11. Why don't u use the mirror client, it's much safer
  12. So I started this 5 hours ago and I'm still going strong, what problem do you guys have?
  13. From the RuneScape rules: "AFK training is Away From Keyboard training. While you are playing on our games, you must be at the computer. Away-from-keyboard training is not allowed, and you should log out when you leave the computer." In general AFK training is not allowed but splashing is actually allowed
  14. AFK training has never been allowed
  15. In theory yes, but JageX rarely does it.
  16. I'm using mirror client + breaks. Going strong for a couple of hours now, I'll post a proggy real soon. going to use this to get 80~ish ranged
  17. Gonna use this with breaks enabled
  18. Yung Lean

    Fruity NMZ

    Well obviously im aiming for maxed, but for now I'll use it to get to 80 str (at least) Depending on wether Czar giant spiders is worth it I'll use that (because of the fact that it runs forever and the prayer potions). But this script will be used for at least the upcoming weeks http://imgur.com/NjrjGbM (from this night )
  19. Yung Lean

    Fruity NMZ

    Well so far this script has been nothing but brilliant Got me from 70-75 strength in no-time
  20. 1. Use the mirror client > Its worth it! 2. If you really want to bot just to raise levels quick (like me) just buy a premium script > It's worth it! 3. Bot for human amount and not overnight, let's say 8-10 hours max with breaks. 4. Babysit the bot and play legit once in a while. 5. When you babysit talk to other players, it's fun AND you reduce the risk of getting banned. Al those 5 things made sure I never got caught
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