Hey guys, so I play Rift and MMORPG and there's no aussie servers (As fucking usual) and my ping usually sits at around 250ms if no one is home. I pay a monthly subscription for a program called WTFast which does something to my internet, I dunno what but it fucking helps a lot right, now this is the part where it's fucked:
If anyone in the house comes home and opens up facebook, ping spike, if anyone watches a small youtube video, elongated ping spike, if anyone streams a movie, well gg i'm fucked.
Is there a way to limit the amount of bandwidth other people in the house can use so that my game doesn't become literally unplayable for 90% of the day while people are home? It's ridiculous.
Here's my speedtest:
Here's my latency in different scenarios (Just random screenshots i've grabbed from my history):
Here you can see the MS on the left side of the graph, and the time frame at the bottom in minutes. The red line is my internet, and the yellow line is the effect WTFast has on amplifying my connection. Here you can clearly see on the left during my raid that my connection is pretty fine, there's literally no hiccups, maybe someone opens google or facebook now and again. Then it just turned to literal aids all of a sudden.
Same thing here, it's ridiculous. I seriously need to limit bandwidth on other people or something, anyone know how? Cheers.