Always equip then possible also not works
Added event (Equip loadout)!
[INFO][Bot #1][04/07 06:40:30 PM]: An action is now running, delaying everything else temporarily...
[INFO][Bot #1][04/07 06:40:30 PM]: exec event (Equip loadout)
[INFO][Bot #1][04/07 06:40:30 PM]: A) We haven't equipped item [Wizard hat] in slot: 0 We have: [N/A]!
[INFO][Bot #1][04/07 06:40:30 PM]: A) We haven't equipped item [Wizard hat] in slot: 0 We have: [N/A]!
[INFO][Bot #1][04/07 06:40:30 PM]: Added event (Equip loadout)!
[INFO][Bot #1][04/07 06:40:30 PM]: An action is now running, delaying everything else temporarily...
Break time 60 minutes, randomized by: 100%. But getting brakes longer than 1h. I expected 1min-60min randomized brakes. How randomizing works then? Thanks for help
1. When need go to lumbridge bot does not check if lubridge home teleport is available
2. When doing another task i have food lefovers from previous task. And bot does not deposit it to bank, just deposit things i took with right click
3. When taking from stall bot takes cakes but drops breads and chocolate slices