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Roshe's Achievements

Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. Prefer high melee stats or an account with DT completed. Thanks. I have copious amounts of 07
  2. It is physical in hand. I've sold a few on here in the past Just PM.
  3. Does this work in DMM?
  4. Hi, Could I land a trial?
  5. Back on the grind to have my signature climb to the top ;) This time on my ironman! Amazing script Khal.
  6. Looking for 1.15/m Looking for WU strictly
  7. Welcome to my Iron Man's achievement thread I plan on updating this constantly, everyday with any statistics (10 level intervals until 70+) and any quests/drops that I find interesting. Most of my posts will come with some commentary to explain why I'm doing that thing, ect. I plan to grind pretty hard until deadman, then I'll play deadman for some IRL cash at the start (grinding hard to get top levels ect) and then I'll be back on my ironman. This will be a 365 day challenge. I am in college, so I do have a lot of spare time, mainly during the week. Any questions, feel free to ask and I'll update bank picture throughout the post. Best way to follow is just scrolling down and seeing updated posts everyday =-) Thanks guys! Starting Stats on Day 1 Please note: I AM NOT BOTTING.
  8. Looking for $1.20/M Prefer strictly Paypal. Thanks guys, post your skypes.
  9. Not the rate I want. He's not home. Don't worry about it and spam my thread, he will confirm with seller once one comes.
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