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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Fun

  1. My last acc was at 73, then I botted yesterday for a while and it was banned instantly
  2. My ip has to be flagged... 3 accs banned using this now At least the first acc made some money 76-83 fishing from sharks :l
  3. Yeah I was powerfishing, works now though ty
  4. I tried fishing shrimps at lumbridge and the bot just stands there stuck calculating Nevermind, restarted the client and it works perfectly
  5. 10 hr shark fishing proggy: http://gyazo.com/94d95a4fcf8a1786dc4973ce40de7d82
  6. it was turned on during the update then
  7. Woops, left it on all night while it was stuck at the bank... http://gyazo.com/de1e9a646cbb2c13054b4433968e76db
  8. Fun

    Auto login problem

    Its working for me :P
  9. Jagex doesn't work on weekends
  10. Fun

    Yo :)

    Welcome to osbot
  11. I know dreamfighter is one, also I think Czar is making one soon
  12. He was just kidding, there isn't an exact ban rate for anything
  13. Khal's agility doesn't do rc last time I checked ;)
  14. Also there are a lot of factors if you get banned or not... Mirror helps a lot and if the script is made well
  15. Don't bot on your main unless your willing to lose it
  16. No it doesn't work in resize able
  17. Fun

    MirrorClient v1.055

    Thanks for the update
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