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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Blaka

  1. Yo, add me on skype. Live:Kurkku696
  2. Blaka

    Obby mauler

    what kind of price would a 1-60-1 account go for? Only got STR levelled, everything else is 1 except HP
  3. I got my main banned after i got 93 hunter by botting, was 1 day ban. After got unbanned, started running the same script right away and got permed
  4. Blaka


    Good luck on the jorney you are about to begin.
  5. I could watch and masturbate all day, thanks!
  6. Should'nt be too bannable offense as you aint using a program to do that.
  7. Blaka


    I came to the forums to have fun, not to have feels.... Fuck u :
  8. i can do this, add me on skype: Live:kurkku696
  9. Blaka

    Ags pure

    i would say 250m atleast
  10. Blaka

    GFX rant.

    Most of the tine they are happy with the result, but they usually think that its too expensive for the time taken to create it.
  11. Blaka

    GFX rant.

    Fuck, if thats true then im really fucking sorry man. Thats a thing not to mess with Even tho im usually a cunt, im really really sorry.
  12. Blaka

    GFX rant.

    First comment was shittier than this one? "Edited 1 hour ago"
  13. Blaka

    GFX rant.

    I got TWC cause your mom's nudes infected my computer with parasites.
  14. Blaka

    GFX rant.

    Sick V.I.P rank
  15. Blaka

    GFX rant.

    So, i'we been designing for pretty long time now, been making some good money off of it and shit, But there is one thing that i want to rant about. The fucking people that whine about prices, If something takes one to two hours of time to create, WHY DO YOU FUCKING WHINE IF THE PRICE IS OVER 5$?! And if i make something for you and you say "I could of done better" WHY THE FUCK AINT YOU IN THE GFX BUSINESS THEN? Some fucking people seem to think that photoshop works like this Step 1. Masturbate Step 2. Open photoshop Step 3. Open new file Step 4. Click on a colour Step 5. Press Enter and wait while photoshop does the job. Step 6. Sell the shit that photoshop just automatically threw together in 5 seconds. Step 7. Profit Fuck yall cheap ass's.... Rant over.
  16. Mecanical so the cum between keys dont matter.
  17. Ill try to find some info about the guy, cheerios.
  18. Well, its hard to prove that he ordered it as he does not even own a RSPS yet and i dont have Private messages with him
  19. Cunt ordered a logo but then decided to not buy it, so selling it for cheap. Just offer with comment or private message Changes can be done!
  20. i do em too, add my skype too. Live:Kurkku696
  21. add me on skype: Live:kurkku696
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