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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by heptic

  1. A hall of shame, i think this is a brilliant idea +1 from me
  2. Bro if your account is old they tend to give a minor macro ban first, i have 2 accounts with minor macro ban atm (OLD ACCOUNTS) If i start a fresh account they always get insta banned cus they know im just gold farming they take it more serious. They want you to not loose your main account so they can keep taking money from u :p
  3. What about Script managers? Osbot = Racists vs the Avatar ppl
  4. You gotta do some snooping about for your self, look at items that have close price range to their alch values other than that it will be difficult to find one because people would rather keep it a secret or on the d low.
  5. Yep, 1st one is on avarage how long it will run for and the 2nd one is 24+ or - from that before it breaks. Break time is 20-7 or 20+7 its random
  6. Yews has a high ban rate i would bot for like 70/24 and break 20/7
  7. Depends what skill you're doing, something like mining = high ammount of clicking = short play time and more breaks
  8. Osbuddy has mousekey functions, try it out. Its a free function^
  9. heptic


    Welcome Demon
  10. heptic


    Gz, that's a big achievement. Enjoy your long sleeps :P
  11. Some one sign him a record deal already please!
  12. New tune by Prince Dre imo he goes hammm on the beat
  13. Damn how did i miss him lmao, i just wrote some of the top of my head. I havent listened to his song in a while tho
  14. IMO I'm in love with: Lil Durk Rondo (InmateNumbaNine xD Hopefully he will be free soon tho) LA Capone (RIP) Chief Keef Tay600 Prince Dre Lil herb Lil bibby Kenny Mac (REALLY UNDER RATED. CHECK HIS GO CRAZY REMIX YOU WONT REGRET IT! +1) Lil Jay (Even tho hes the op to many of the people above, some of his disses are lyrically amazing) I might of missed a couple but i think these are at the top of the drill music scene. So what are your favorites?
  15. Goodluck, i recon around 2k points you will get banned, Jagex has stepped up their game vs bots quite a lot Hope you reach your goal
  16. Gz, i bought his motherlode miner and its nice +1 i bet the fisher would be good aswell
  17. heptic


    Watch out for the screamer "agor.io"
  18. Asking Runescape botters how mankind will be X') This thread will be so full of bullshit i will smell it through the screen.
  19. You could add a auto splasher (waits for trade limit to go whilst training combat) OR use goblin bow if the user want no xp gained on the account most lazy thing in runescape lol
  20. How to not get banned: Dont use a shit script
  21. Hey thanks for the trail, im gonna look at some other Motherload miners and decide which one overall is the best one for me. Heres some feedback: Overall its a pretty amazing script worth 100% of the price you set it for. However here are some small but could have a big impact on the script overall. Stealing other peoples vines - Why would this be a problem? Legit players will get angry and will say "Stop stealing my xp" etc.. Because its a bot obv it wont reply meaning more people will report you for macroing. Another one is if a rock collapses right before you walk the script will break and just constantly click on the minimap but go no where since its blocked (this would only RARELY happen but if your running it over night it could be a hassle) Last one, sometime the mouse movement is way to quick and makes it look not human like. Other than that the scripts anti-ban is amazing. +1 for me for the script would recommend anyone to buy if they have the chance.
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