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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by heptic

  1. I try look as sexy as i can when im botting so no one will report me
  2. IMO, the black ele top, flared trousers, gnome scarf, and a black cavalier with a cane is sexy af, be adventurous with the cape & boots Or the royal gown outfits, musketeer hat/top, the suitcase
  3. Nice, I like your graphic skills. +1 from me
  4. heptic

    Help with pk'ing

    I would recommend pking on private servers first, I like to pk on soulsplit spawn atm im on a 15 killstreak :p
  5. Hahah when i read quest to the booty i lol'd irl :P +1 for me gl on developing even further and i would love to try it out one time
  6. Try not use UK worlds, ive been using other ones i dont tend to dc as much
  7. Im having the same issue, I thought it was just me lol
  8. Yep your fucked if he completes it, but there is this spot:
  9. heptic

    88 mining

    Hope this helps Link from where I got the image from: http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Motherlode_Mine
  10. The Full version is now on Phub thank me later
  11. This > Kim K's sextape
  12. Jagex sometimes ban a lot of accounts at one time, They prob knew the account has been botted for a while but waited until they ban all accounts at once, or you trying to do a sly one and did use a bot for the service. Its up to you and the customer to resolve it i guess.
  13. heptic

    Suicide botting?

    Could some one teach me the whole concept of suicide botting? Best places to do it at? Is it profitable? I understand it a little bit, but would like to know everything about it :p
  14. I have recently made a couple accounts, none of them got the 24 hour trade limit.
  15. DNAIOFighter Is a good one imo, idk if you can use mirror mode. Never bought VIP to try mirror mode.
  16. It goes both ways, ive sold accounts off site. I tend to make them pay via gp or skrill if they are not trusted. Too many chargebacks via paypal. To sum it up, it goes either way for the buyer or seller, paypal = buyer can scam, gp = seller can scam
  17. I saw proof from another user, you might of found a gold mine here
  18. Goodluck! But tbh i would of used the ankou script with salve ammy (e), better gp/xp
  19. I read around that Jagex RARELY read macro cases, even if you got hacked. They say its your responsibility.
  20. Why not just go check his youtube? He has his normal Sparc Mac & Sparcmaclive which is a community channel
  21. I would like to know, i have a miner which has 84 mining and is banned really would like to unban him
  22. Normally they will charge for services not account or gold, e.g. You're paying for a service but they "donate" gold to you. Check on ebay, people sell guides but it comes with coins.
  23. LOOOL, I was just about to post that one X'D
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