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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by heptic

  1. Can u show the list of quests your going to do with your next 8 accounts?
  2. A account can always get recovered by the original owner.. Best way for a account to not get recovered is to buy from a trusted user.
  3. Ite ill test it out soon and come back :p
  4. They weren't banned at the same time? both were different times
  5. I have this new IP and i had 2 accounts banned. Am i flagged or nah?
  6. heptic


    There is a free alcher script try use that in ge?
  7. A Magic script, with jewelry enchanting
  8. Going to get 40-50 range to test out this script :p ill tell you any bugs or any improvements needed
  9. No your OSbuddy one is fine, as long as you dont bot on the legit one, even if you get chain banned the hand played one wont get banned
  10. Get rid of her, not trying to sound mean or anything. No offense but if you do decide to get into a relationship and it fails then you will loose 2 friends instead of 1
  11. You gotta choose, who do you care more about? Who have you known longer? If you go out with the girl the guy will hate you, if you say no to the girl it will become awkward between you two
  12. heptic


    Any boss you want just make them all sexy af :p
  13. heptic


    Maybe make a wallpaper for every godwars boss +1 this looks like a really nice wallpaper
  14. Lol i thought it was actually real for a second
  15. heptic

    Maffs Bot Farm

    Do you accept monopoly money? :P
  16. heptic

    Maffs Bot Farm

    I really want to know what you're botting
  17. Iron ore is normally 13711 or 13714 im not 100% sure, go to entity hover debug in settings and hover over the item you want the id from
  18. Please have pets in it !! like a jad pet would be so cool!
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