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Everything posted by niyajuan

  1. niyajuan


    i don't understand why people think because you still play runescape you can't sell accounts, i've bought/ played on so many accounts and get tired of them i sell and people think "oh you're going to recover it" if that was the case wouldn't i be banned on sythe etc already bub ?
  2. it's vmovee. ws have adblock or just google vmovee
  3. titans,ahs, a shit ton of anime if you're interested uhm power not sure if you can use vmovee dot com has shit ton os movies and series
  4. any tutorial recommendations ?
  5. dude i know why i stopped commenting on these post until im 100 pc+
  6. you can daero training is optional confirmed
  7. can i have the .1$ in peso so i can feel richer
  8. nice got rocky at 46 thieving
  9. who ever spends 5-600$ on an inferno cape needs help it's not hard to do.
  10. i was wondering same thing tbh, not everyone scams undr 100 pc im usually on sythe or training accounts someone suggested to post a few accounts on here but boom need 100 pc. xp wasting
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