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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom


    trial started
  2. Tom


    Due to the low price of this script, i only do 12 hours trials I have activated that for you
  3. Tom


    The script should set the safespot when the script starts, otherwise there should be a list of hotkeys on the screen to set it (F3 to set safespot where you are standing). If that doesn't work, maybe try the north west beach
  4. Tom


    It might through the OSBot webwalker, ill give you a trial to check
  5. Tom


    Gotcha, i tried adding extra handling to see why its not being loaded for you, but nothing comes through at all It loads for me no matter what its called
  6. Tom


    I worded that a little wrong, I meant that when you opt to use the LumbyMinerConfig through the GUI, it works fine? I can't really see whats going on here, I do the exact same thing and it spits out more logs that arent seen on your end [INFO][Bot #1][10/16 01:14:45 am]: Version: 1.63 [INFO][Bot #1][10/16 01:14:45 am]: Loading config: LumbyMinerCopper [INFO][Bot #1][10/16 01:14:45 am]: Location loaded from config: East Lumbridge Swamp [INFO][Bot #1][10/16 01:14:45 am]: Mode loaded from config: Bank I would have expected to see those bottom 2 lines in your logger on version 1.63
  7. Tom


    Thats weird because there should be a few more log messages after it says Loading config And you said its when when called config.properties and loaded through UI?
  8. Tom


    I put some more stuff in the logs the other day, perhaps there may be an indication useful to me I tested your config just now and it worked
  9. Tom


    Are you able to send the LumbyMiner_Copper.properties as well? Also, it probably wont fix anything but have you tried a config without an _ in it?
  10. Tom


    Thanks, does it output anything into the logger when you try run the script this way? I would expect to see "Loading config: LumbyMiner_Copper"
  11. Tom


    trial started
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