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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. You might be able to stop this from happening in the meantime by disabling the level up dialogues, you can do this in RS settings
  2. Tom


    trial started
  3. Tom


    should yes, ive given you a trial
  4. Tom


    trial started
  5. Tom


    Breaks can be handled by OSBot client, some scripts implement their own custom one but it isn't necessary There isn't an AFK method, minnows aren't really AFK at all so there isnt a benefit to making it look afk
  6. Tom


    It won't know to empty the herb sack, however this would be pretty easy to add. Ironman only loot is a different challenge, as the only indication that loot is yours is when you try to pick it up. It's possible, but quite a bit of effort is required.
  7. Tom


    Any info would be appreciated
  8. Tom


    Should be an easy fix
  9. Tom


    Was this the last message: [INFO][Bot #4][11/28 11:48:45 PM]: Exiting wilderness before banking If so, the problem should be fixable, for some reason OSBot still thinks you are in the wilderness but I presume you are not (and check you arent in a pvp world) Are you able to send an image of your GUI after you setup? It should be noting bones as long as the 'Amount: ' number picker has a value set
  10. Tom


    No but it wouldn't be too hard to add if its something you're interested in added Added
  11. Tom


    A much needed detailed response, I appreciate the time you put into this. I will certainly look into most of these issues, the major one is the idling in lumbridge, I still have no idea why it happens, since pausing / resuming script fixes it. Sorry that the script did not live up to expectations in its current state.
  12. Tom


    Trial started If there is anything in the log it would be super helpful Hopping is a known concern
  13. I added some logging around this last time it was reported, does anything appear in the log?
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