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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Damn, thanks for your patience getting through this though.
  2. give it a ago when you get the chance, update is approved
  3. Ah it wasnt compatible with java 8 that OSBot uses, ill ask for this one to be updated sooner so we dont need to wait 24 hours
  4. This provided much better info to me, fix should be live in 24 hours pending OSBot approvals
  5. If you can try again when you get the chance, update should be out
  6. I see, so it pops up with the little interface above the chat, and does nothing right? For some reason its not doing the final interaction which is 'String'
  7. Can you give it a try now? I've pushed an update that may fix it, otherwise there should be more logging to help identify the issue
  8. hey, is there anything in the logger when it is stuck? Trying to narrow this problem down
  9. Tom


    For crabs you dont need to set this up, just mark the tile you want to afk on / return to after resetting as a safespot
  10. Tom


    Using rings of dueling / ferox enclave teleport should fix your issue
  11. Tom


    Was it a regular dragon harpoon or like infernal
  12. Tom


    If you have a dragon harpoon equipped, it should use the special attack
  13. Tom


    What you have looks correct, was there anything in the logs?
  14. Tom


    It should be fixed now, if not you might need to delete the cached images in C:\Users\<your user>\OSBot\Data\osFisher
  15. Tom


    I have reset it for you, but if you miss this time I cant give it to you anymore as youve had it twice already
  16. Tom


    trial started
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