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Everything posted by Precise

  1. Precise


    Not right now, but once the dev build with the latest webwalker is out you'll be able to, it is recommended too. and OP: could you post the code you're using? are you sure that tile is walkable/reachable?
  2. http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/WalkingEvent.html#setEnergyThreshold-int-
  3. just some things i would change: i dont think you need to set the parameter of a new arraylist the size of the 2 other arrays since arraylists are dynamic and not static like arrays. I dont know if you plan on adding any more arrays of loot but maybe make a 2d array of the loot and use a for loop and go through each one and add them? I would maybe think of a better way of storing your loot because the way you have currently done it should be ok but could be better if stored differently
  4. yeah that it what I said, so are you still getting errors in your code or is the client showing errors or?
  5. i don't see any errors, it seems you have made fixes but haven't saved it (grey crosses on the left). If you're getting errors in eclipse, show us the code underlined in red. If you're getting Expections thrown then let us know which line it is located at.
  6. Precise


    public void onPaint(Graphics2D gr) { gr.drawString("hahhahahaahha", 16, 105); } was the wrong parameter ^_^
  7. Have you contacted Eric about this since he deals with the sdn?
  8. Why does this look familiar? ;)
  9. show us the code which makes it crash and what you are currently trying to do.
  10. add some if and else if statements calling the these to determine which one to call etc: http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Dialogues.html#isPendingContinuation-- http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Dialogues.html#isPendingOption-- for example: if(this.getDialogues().isPendingContinuation()) this.getDialogues().clickContinue(); etc...
  11. just woken up, i have access to the account again. thank you for sorting this out! ^_^
  12. wait, so even he isn't the original owner?
  13. Post chat logs of what in particular? ill post everything and you can edit it?
  14. Disputed member: @Wax A Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/83524-s-fast-sell-cb92-starter-main-account-dher-ftorso-rdef-book/?hl=wax Explanation: Bought the account from Wax A, 1 month later the account is recovered (proof below) Evidence: Cannot login: recovery email isnt the one i set: proof of my email below: this is me requesting the change of email when i was buying the account: proof of it being changed to that email: that email doesnt match the email which it has been changed to so it has been recovered. proof that i had access to the account: as you can see the ingame name matches the name in the email pictures. Proof i sent payment to Wax A: so i was scammed $52, i can also get proof of purchasing membership on the account too if i can claim that. Hopefully this can get resolved. Precise.
  15. should null check before checking if isnt empty
  16. If(!this.getInventory().contains(ammo name here)) stop(); On phone so please excuse typos etc.
  17. welcome to making scripts at osbot unfortunately it won't change anytime soon
  18. nope it isn't, I had to make my own fix since nothing was done. I'll send it to you when I get home from work if you want.
  19. would seem so: http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Brine_rat
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