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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Emergency


    Doesn't it suck when it takes you away from what you used to enjoy so much.
  2. Watched all of breakong bad, didn't start watching better call saul
  3. Emergency


    Honestly, I'm on the same page, so please someone post link me lazy to google!
  4. I'm in your same spot, but think about it? How can I can be more organized, you need to have a driving passion just like you have passion to Bot, get on osbot you need things to power your will and make you succeed. Things get harder and harder and if you can't keep your self motivated you're going to feel like it's too hard and you need help when all you need is a clear mind and a piece of paper to jot down what you need to do. Have something in front of you that will always push you to getting your shit done. All of us have your problem, but the ting is we know what we have to do, the problem is do we want to push ourselves?
  5. You cant' say no to a bot, so I'm going to say yes, it'll be a marvelous idea! +1 You got my approval
  6. I believe the OP has committed a federal crime and deserves to be sentenced to the chair, I cannot stand this no more. I am disgusted, off with his head.
  7. Your joke wasn't funny and it shows that you can't bot for *** m8. Back to the drawing boards.
  8. Emergency


    I don't believe you're trying hard enough, please try again later.
  9. You're a life savior, I'll be testing this out in the near future!
  10. Maybe you're suggestions weren't so beneficial so they removed your access to see it.
  11. Happy birthday to OSBOT and to fellow members who've been here from the start, may the good be our path!
  12. If I'm correct, there's a voucher section here where people will buy you the scripts in return for Runescape GP. Go here http://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/
  13. Welcome to the community Ganja
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