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Everything posted by VirginityStealer

  1. wat the fuk is ur signature srsly LMFAO
  2. guiz plz i buy ur servize and it no workerino send halperino!!!! no i kid that was crappachino try harder kid
  3. how does that even happen, lmfao. I got banned for server advertising when I never actually server advertised, got it quashed tho so we allg.
  4. how much is ur bank tho? 1gp?? probs a few mil since im rich off chins atm
  5. Pretending to be Master Chief by rocking up to a cinema and taking out his spartan laser when the movie (finally) comes out
  6. Master a skill; that being having all the money i could possibly want Be a shark or a crocodile.
  7. Yeah guys, pretty much since runescape pushed an update, we have to wait for a dev to push an update for OSBot, let's all be patient now! /thread
  8. Over about 3/4 years of botting i've never had a ban, back in the days of a website we shall not speak of (guess you guiz aren't frans () to the days of OSBot, may le toucan be with you on this gracious occasion :^)
  9. Legendary Gotten from 20 on all 3 to 42/41 and 33, woke up a few times through the night to chance my combat stances :^)
  10. Don't know why I didn't come here in the first place haha, Just bought your rock crab script and wondering how I get it to work on my account? Thanks!

    1. VirginityStealer


      Nevermind, refreshed my client and it's there :D

  11. Hey dude! I just bought this, wondering how I get it to dowload or something? I can PM you my paypal details for confirmation if neccesary..
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